
Various http client implementations for better developer and devops experience.

v0.1.1 2024-04-11 10:57 UTC


The HTTP Clients package provides a collection of HTTP clients that can be used to manage HTTP requests and responses in your PHP application. The package includes a ClientsFactory to simplify the creation of clients by allowing you to define a list of ClientFactoryContract implementations.


  • Uses PSR container for dependency injection.
  • CacheResponseClient: Utilizes PSR-6 (simple-cache) for caching responses, improving development speed by serving cached responses for subsequent requests.
  • CustomizeRequestClient: You can modify the request before sending it.
  • EventClient: Dependent on PSR-14 (event-dispatcher) and enables you to attach events before, during, or after a request, which is useful for logging or other actions.
  • RetryClient: If the call sendRequest throw exception, it tries to send request once more.
  • SleepClient: Allows you to introduce a wait interval between requests, which may be necessary for interacting with external APIs that require rate limiting.
  • Save your requests as PHPStorm .http file and corresponding response as a file.


You can install the HTTP Clients package via Composer:

composer require strictphp/http-clients


The ClientsFactory simplifies the creation of clients by allowing you to define a list of ClientFactoryContract implementations with dependency injection.


use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\CacheResponse\CacheResponseClientFactory;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\CustomizeRequest\CustomizeRequestClientFactory;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\Event\EventClientFactory;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\Retry\RetryClientFactory;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\Sleep\SleepClientFactory;
use Strictphp\HttpClients\Factories\ClientsFactory;
use Strictphp\HttpClients\Iterators\FactoryToServiceIterator;

// Assuming $client is the main client like GuzzleHttp\Client
/** @var ClientInterface $client */
/** @var ContainerInterface $container */

// the order of classes is important, see image below
$clients = [
    CacheResponseClientFactory::class, // used like first
    // Other client factories...

 * This iterator change array<class-string<ClientFactoryContract>> to array<ClientFactoryContract>
$toService = new FactoryToServiceIterator($container, $clients);

$clientFactory = new ClientsFactory($client);
$client = $clientFactory->create($toService);
// Alternatively, you can use second parameter of constructor:
$clientFactory = new ClientsFactory($client, $toService);
$client = $clientFactory->create();

These examples demonstrate how to efficiently manage HTTP requests and responses in your PHP application using the provided HTTP client classes and the ClientsFactory.



Config manager is designed for setting different configuration per host (IP, domain). Each HTTP client can contain Config class in their namespace.

Setting up default configuration

use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Managers\ConfigManager;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\Sleep;

// set up for SleepClient
$config = new Sleep\Config(1000, 2000);

/** @var ConfigManager $configManager */

Setting up override for given domain

use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Managers\ConfigManager;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\Sleep;

// set up for SleepClient
$config = new Sleep\Config(1000, 2000);

/** @var ConfigManager $configManager */
$configManager->add('', $config);

You should set your DI container to provide ConfigManager as a singleton.


  • Each client can be built using its own Factory class (in their namespace). Factory uses a DI container that should resolve: ClientInterface for HTTP/s communication and ConfigManaer
  • Each client can be configured by ConfigManager.

CacheResponseClient (file)

The CacheResponseClient utilizes PSR-6 (simple-cache) for caching responses, improving development speed by serving cached responses for subsequent requests. Here are some benefits and considerations:

  • Development Efficiency: Speeds up development by caching responses, reducing the need for repeated API calls during development.
  • Local Testing: Enable the saveOnly option in production to cache responses and download them for testing on localhost, ensuring consistency and performance.
  • Customization: Customize cache key preparation by implementing your own contract in CacheKeyMakerAction.php.

CustomResponseClient (file)

Subject to change.

You can define custom response file.

The #1 parameter in constructor can be:

  • a path on serialized SerializableResponse which created by SaveResponse.php, file with extension shttp it's mean serialized http
  • a path on file with plain text, this is used like body only

You need to set up container dependency to add the content you need.

CustomizeRequestClient (file)

Alter request before sending it to the HTTPClient.

use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\CustomizeRequest\Config;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Managers\ConfigManager;

/** @var ConfigManager $configManager */
$configManager->add('', new Config(function(RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface {
    return $request->withHeader('uuid', generate_uuid());

EventClient (file)

dependent on PSR-14 (event-dispatcher)

You can attach events before, failed or request success. It is useful for logging.

RetryClient (file)

Retry client is designed to retry failed request with ability to define number of tries and allowlist (based on exception).

FailedClient (file)

Subject to change.

The FailedClient always fails and throws ClientExceptionInterface. This client could be useful for testing error handling mechanisms in your application.

SleepClient (file)

The SleepClient allows you to introduce a wait interval between requests, which may be necessary for interacting with external APIs that require rate limiting.

Write your own client

You can write your own client simply by implementing these interfaces:

  • Client must implement Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface.
  • Config must implement StrictPhp\HttpClients\Contracts\ConfigContract
  • Factory for client implement StrictPhp\HttpClients\Contracts\ClientFactoryContract

Below is an example of a implementation:


namespace My;

use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Contracts\ConfigContract;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

 * parameters of constructor must have to filled default values  
class Config implements ConfigContract 
    public function __construct(
        private readonly int $optionA = 1,
        private readonly int int $optionB = 2,
    ) {

    public function initFromDefaultConfig(ConfigContract $object): void 
        // if you want to pass an object reference from the default configuration
        /** @see \StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\CacheResponse\Config */
        // or
        /** @see \StrictPhp\HttpClients\Clients\Sleep\Config */


namespace My;

use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Managers\ConfigManager;
use My\Config;

class MyClient implements ClientInterface 
    public function __construct(
        private ClientInterface $client,
        private ConfigManager $configManager,
    ) {

    public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $host = $request->getUri()->getHost();
        $config = $this->configManager->get(Config::class, $host);
        // do anything
        $response = $this->client->sendRequest($request)
        // do anything
        return $response;


namespace My;

use StrictPhp\HttpClients\Contracts\ClientFactoryContract;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use My\Config;

class ClientFactory implements ClientFactoryContract 
    public function __construct(
        private ConfigManager $configManager,
    ) {
    public function create(ClientInterface $client): ClientInterface
        return new MyClient($client, $this->configManager);