
Stratify framework package

0.8.0 2017-08-05 20:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-19 21:24:42 UTC


Stratify is a try at writing a middleware-based web framework.

Work in progress

A quick intro:

  • PHP 7.1 and up
  • middleware-oriented HTTP stack
  • http-interop middlewares
  • dependency injection and config with PHP-DI
  • module system based on the PHP-DI kernel
  • CLI console with Silly

The documentation is not up to date, and the project is highly likely to change, TODO:

  • remove magic and architecture
  • implement PSR-15

Getting started

composer require stratify/framework

Example of web/index.php:


use Stratify\ErrorHandlerModule\ErrorHandlerMiddleware;
use Stratify\Framework\Application;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse;
use function Stratify\Framework\pipe;
use function Stratify\Framework\router;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Prepare the HTTP stack
$http = pipe([
    // This is a list of middlewares
    // The first middleware is the error handler, it will
    // catch all errors and display the error page
    // The application's router
    // See for more details
        // Routes
        '/' => function () {
            return new HtmlResponse('Welcome!');
        '/about' => function () {
            return new HtmlResponse('More information about us');

// List of packages containing PHP-DI config to include
// See for more details
$modules = [
    'stratify/error-handler-module', // error handling

// The application environment
$env = 'dev';

$app = new Application($modules, $env, $http);

// Run the HTTP application

Adding PHP-DI configuration

PHP-DI configuration is managed by the PHP-DI Kernel, read its documentation to learn more. Below is a short example.

Set up your application name in composer.json, this will be used by PHP-DI's kernel as your module name:

    "name": "app",

You can use any name you want, app is a good default (like Symfony's AppBundle).

Add your module name to the list of PHP-DI modules to load:

$modules = [


Install the Twig module:

composer require stratify/twig-module

Enable the package module in the PHP-DI module list:

$modules = [

You can configure the directory in which views are stored using PHP-DI config (see the section above):

return [

    'twig.paths' => [
        // Configure the directory using the alias `app`
        // In this example views are stored in the `res/views/` directory
        // You can then use the `@app/...` notation to render or include Twig templates
        'app' => __DIR__ . '/../views',

You can then inject the Twig_Environment class in your services, or in your controllers. For example:

$http = pipe([
        // Routes
        '/' => function (Twig_Environment $twig) {
            return $twig->render('@app/home.twig');