
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.0-beta.2) of this package.

This is StorePHP's framework for building bundles

v1.0.0-beta.2 2023-09-13 16:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 19:18:02 UTC


Source Packagist Version

StorePHP Bundler

This is StorePHP's framework for building bundles

Module structure

└── <vendor>/<module>/
    └── etc/
    │   ├── forms
    │   ├── grids
    │   ├── routes/
    │   │   └── admin.php
    │   ├── acl.php
    │   ├── module.php
    │   └── sidebar.php
    └── storephp.php

create new module

Create a storephp.php file in the module directory in the vendor directory


use StorePHP\Bundler\BundleRegistrar;

BundleRegistrar::register(BundleRegistrar::MODULE, '<vendor>_<module>', __DIR__);


build new form


use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Form\FormHasFields;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Form\FormHasTabs;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Form\Fields;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Form\Tabs;

return new class implements FormHasTabs, FormHasFields
    public function tabs(Tabs $tabs)
        $tabs->addTab('default', 'Product info');
        $tabs->addTab('priceing', 'Product price');
        $tabs->addTab('images', 'Images');

    public function fields(Fields $form)
        $form->addField('text', [
            'label' => 'Product name',
            'model' => 'name',
            'rules' => 'required',
            'order' => 10,

        $form->addField('text', [
            'label' => 'Product price',
            'model' => 'price',
            'rules' => 'required',
            'order' => 10,
            'hint' => 'Add product price',
        ], 'priceing');

        $form->addField('text', [
            'label' => 'Product discount price',
            'model' => 'discount_price',
            'rules' => 'nullable',
            'order' => 20,
            'hint' => 'Add product discount price',
        ], 'priceing');

        $form->addField('file', [
            'label' => 'Product thumbnail',
            'model' => 'thumbnail_path',
            'rules' => 'required',
            'order' => 10,
            'hint' => 'Update product',
        ], 'images');

Runder this form


namespace StorePHP\Catalog\Http\Livewire\Products;

use Livewire\WithFileUploads;
use Store\Support\Facades\Product;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Abstracts\FromAbstract;
use StorePHP\Dashboard\Views\Layouts\DashboardLayout;

class ProductCreate extends FromAbstract
    use WithFileUploads;

    protected $pretitle = 'Catalog';
    protected $title = 'Create new product';

    public $formId = 'storephp_catalog_products_form';

    public function layout()
        return DashboardLayout::class;

    public function submit()
        $validateData = $this->validate();

        $product = Product::create([
            'sku' => $validateData['sku'],

        foreach ($this->models(['sku', 'thumbnail_path']) as $model) {
            $product->{$model} = $validateData[$model];

        if ($this->thumbnail_path) {
            $product->thumbnail_path = $this->thumbnail_path->store('photos');


        return $this->pushAlert('success', 'The product has been created');


build new grid


use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Grid\GridHasButtons;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Grid\GridHasCTA;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Grid\GridHasTable;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Grid\Bottom;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Grid\CTA;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Grid\Table;

return new class implements GridHasTable, GridHasButtons, GridHasCTA
    public function model()
        return config('store.catalog.products.model');

    public function createBottom(Bottom $bottom)
        $bottom->setBottom('Create new product', 'store.dashboard.catalog.products.create');

    public function table(Table $table)
        $table->setColumn('#', 'id')
            ->setColumn('Name', 'name')
            ->setColumn('Slug', 'slug');

    public function CTA(CTA $CTA)
        $CTA->setCall('Edit', [
            'type' => 'route',
            'color' => 'info',
            'route' => 'store.dashboard.catalog.products.update',

Runder this grid


namespace StorePHP\Catalog\Http\Livewire\Products;

use StorePHP\Bundler\Abstracts\GridAbstract;
use StorePHP\Dashboard\Views\Layouts\DashboardLayout;

class ProductsIndex extends GridAbstract
    public $gridId = 'storephp_catalog_products_index';

    protected $pretitle = 'Catalog';
    protected $title = 'Products listing';

    public function layout()
        return DashboardLayout::class;

Create routes

In the routes folder, you can create an admin.php file.

Route::prefix('catalog')->group(function () {
    // Set routes

Create ACL


use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\ACL;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\ACL\HasPermissions;

return new class implements HasPermissions
    public function permissions(ACL $acl)
        $acl->permission('Catalog', 'catalog');



use StorePHP\Catalog\Providers\StoreCatalogServiceProvider;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Module;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Module\iModule;

return new class implements iModule
    public function info(Module $module)

Sidebar builder


use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Sidebar\HasLinks;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Contracts\Sidebar\HasMenu;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Sidebar\Menu;
use StorePHP\Bundler\Lib\Sidebar\Links;

return new class implements HasMenu, HasLinks
    public function menu(Menu $menu)
            icon: 'clipboard-list',
            label: 'Catalog',
            order: 20,

    public function links(Links $links)
            icon: 'category',
            label: 'Categories',
            href: 'store.dashboard.catalog.categories.index',
            icon: 'packages',
            label: 'Products',
            href: 'store.dashboard.catalog.products.index',