stichoza / nbg-currency-cli
Command-line tool for National Bank of Georgia currency service
2022-12-04 16:35 UTC
- php: ^7.2|^8.0
- ext-soap: *
- codedungeon/php-cli-colors: ^1.11
- stichoza/nbg-currency: ^2.0.3
- symfony/console: ^4.0|^5.0
Command-line tool for National Bank of Georgia currency service.
Note: If you're looking for a non-cli PHP package to use in your code, see stichoza/nbg-currency instead.
Install this package globally via Composer.
composer global require stichoza/nbg-currency-cli

Display this help page.
Display plain results without colors.
Convert rates to single entity if rate is given for amount larger than 1.
Example commands
nbg usd
Get currency rate and change for USD.
nbg usd --plain
Get currency rate for USD.
nbg usd eur gbp
Get currency rate for USD, EUR, GBP.
nbg 150 usd
Get equivalent of 150 USD in GEL.
nbg 150 gel usd
Get equivalent of 150 GEL in USD.