
Google One Tap Login For Laravel

v0.2.0-beta 2022-07-26 04:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-29 05:50:49 UTC


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This package integrates Google's one tap login into a laravel project.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require steelze/google-one-tap

The service provider will automatically be registered.

Next, you must publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=google-one-tap

This is the contents of the default configuration file. Here you can modify configurations .

return [

    | Google Client ID
    | This value is your Google app's client ID, which is found
    | and created in the Google Developers Console.

    'client_id' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),

    | Enable Google One Tap
    | This determines whether to display One tap or not. The default value is
    | true. Google One tap will not be displayed when this value is false

    'enable' => (bool) env('ENABLE_GOOGLE_ONE_TAP', true),

    | Login URI
    | This specifies the the URI of your login endpoint. The ID token credential
    | response is posted to this endpoint when no callback function is defined
    | and a user clicks on the One Tap buttons, or automatic sign takes place.

    'login_uri' => '',

    | Cancel on Outside Click
    | This attribute sets whether or not to cancel the One Tap request if the
    | user clicks outside of the prompt. The default value is true. To disable it,
    | set the value to false.

    'cancel_on_tap_outside' => false,

    | Context
    | Changes the text of the title and messages shown in the One Tap prompt
    | Supported: "use", "signin", "signup"

    'context' => 'use',

    | itp_support
    | This field determines if the upgraded One Tap UX should be enabled on
    | browsers that support Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP).
    | The default value is false. See the following for further
    | information:

    'itp_support' => false,

    | Custom Attributes
    | Custom data attributes, which are sent to your login endpoint with the
    | ID token retrieved from Google.
    'custom' => [



Update the login uri in the config file. The specified uri will be called by google and the credential is posted to this endpoint

// config/google-one-tap.php
| Login URI
| This specifies the the URI of your login endpoint. The ID token credential
| response is posted to this endpoint when no callback function is defined
| and a user clicks on the One Tap buttons, or automatic sign takes place.

'login_uri' => '',

Within the route callback handler, call the GoogleOneTapFacade::getUserFromProvider() method. This method will return an array of the logged in user details or throw an exception if an error occured.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.