
FileCrypt is a simple yet powerful PHP package designed to help developers easily encrypt and decrypt files. This library utilizes the Libsodium cryptography library, ensuring strong encryption standards.

v0.1.3 2024-02-27 13:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 14:00:46 UTC


FileCrypt is a simple yet powerful PHP package designed to help developers easily encrypt and decrypt files. This library utilizes the Libsodium cryptography library, ensuring strong encryption standards.

Cypto is hard, but encrypting / decrypting sensitive files shouldn't be.


composer require steefdw/filecrypt


How to use FileCrypt:

  • First, generate a key and store it somewhere safe
  • After that you can easily encrypt of decrypt files

Tip: if you store the files, and you persist the S3/file paths in a database, you could also generate a key for each file, and save that key in your database alongside the S3/file path.

Generating a Secret Key

You can generate a new secret key using the FileCrypt::generateKey() method:

$secretKey = FileCrypt::generateKey();

Encrypting files


Decrypting files


Storing the key

FileCrypt::generateKey() generates a binary sting, so expect something like: ���m���yS'������H�&�@�'4%�\F�3.

And not a key like: abcdefg1234567890hijkjlmnopk.

So, if you want to store the key as text somewhere --like putting it in an .env variable-- save it as:

$secretKey = FileCrypt::generateKey();
$base64EncodedStoredSecret = base64_encode($secretKey);

// Don't forget to decode it before using:
$secretKey = base64_decode($base64EncodedStoredSecret);

You can find a simple working example in example.php.


composer test


make test


  • make sure the code validation succeeds. You can run it with make validate.
  • make sure all tests succeed. You can run them with make test.
  • make sure all code is tested.


FileCrypt is released under the MIT license. Please see Licence File for more information.