
A PHP templating engine based on Laravel Blade

dev-main 2023-07-04 21:02 UTC


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Petals is a zero dependency PHP templating engine based on Laravel Blade. This was built as a fun experiment to play with ChatGPT and GitHub Co-pilot, between the two AI tools they wrote ~60% of the code.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require statix-php/petals


use Statix\Petals\TemplatingEngine;

// require the composer autoloader
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$engine = new TemplatingEngine(
    templates: __DIR__.'/templates',
    cachePath: __DIR__.'/cache',

$engine = new TemplatingEngine(
    templates: [
        __DIR__ . '/templates-one',
        __DIR__ . '/templates-two',
    cachePath: __DIR__.'/cache',

// Render the templates/app.blade.php template
$content = $engine->render('app', [
    'message' => 'Hello world!',

// Render the given string
$content = $engine->renderString('Hello {{ $name }}! The unix timestamp is {{ $time }}', [
    'name' => 'world',
    'time' => time(),

// Compile the template to the cache directory, the compiled template will be used to render the template when render is called

// Compile the given string to the cache directory, if render is called on the same string, it will be rendered from the compiled cache template
$engine->compileString('Hello {{ $name }}! The unix timestamp is {{ $time }}');

// Clear the compiled templates


composer test


composer format


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.