
Cms based on Yii2 template

1.0.0 2020-09-16 07:54 UTC



The minimum requirement by this project template is that your Web server supports PHP 7.1

Installing using Composer

With Composer installed, you can then install the application using the following commands:

composer create-project --prefer-dist startpl/t2cms t2cms-application

The command installs the advanced application in a directory named t2cms-application. You can choose a different directory name if you want.

Preparing application

After you install the application, you have to conduct the following steps to initialize the installed application. You only need to do these once for all.

  1. Open a console terminal, execute the init command and select dev as environment.

    php /path/to/t2cms-application/init
  2. Create a new database and adjust the components['db'] configuration in /path/to/t2cms-application/common/config/main-local.php accordingly. Also you should set charset = utf8mb4

  3. Open a console terminal, apply migrations with command php /path/to/t2cms-application/yii migrate.

  4. Also in a console terminal, run the installation of the T2CMS core with command php /path/to/t2cms-application/yii t2cms/init


Go to Admin Panel ( /admin )

with admin user:

login: admin
password: admin@admin

Don't forget to change your password!