
A composer package that enables Wordpress to use the Blade templating engine

1.0.15 2023-12-08 12:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 15:20:16 UTC


Adds the Laravel Blade template engine to WordPress

Installation for WordPlate (skip for basic WordPress)

Start with adding the composer package

composer require starring-jane/wordpress-blade

Create a WordpressBlade instance in your theme functions.php

use StarringJane\WordpressBlade\WordpressBlade;

    base_path('resources/views'), // Path to all blade files
    base_path('storage/views/cache'), // Path to blade cache
    base_path('public/themes/janes/components') // Path to component classes (optional, but recommended)

Create the following structure

├── /themes
|   └── /theme-name
|       ├── /components
|       |   └── button.php
|       ├── /templates
|       |   ├── 404.php
|       |   ├── front-page.php
|       |   ├── page.php
|       |   └── single.php
|       └── functions.php
|       └── index.php
|       └── style.css
├── /resources
|   └── /views
|       └── /components
|       |   └── button.blade.php
|       └── /pages
|       |   └── page.blade.php
|       └── index.blade.php
└── /storage/cache/views

Installation for WordPress (skip for WordPlate)

Start with adding the composer package

composer require starring-jane/wordpress-blade

Create a WordpressBlade instance in functions.php

use StarringJane\WordpressBlade\WordpressBlade;

    get_theme_file_path('views'), // Path to all blade files
    get_theme_file_path('cache/views'), // Path to blade cache
    get_theme_file_path('components') // Path to component classes (optional, but recommended)

Autoload your theme namespace in composer.json

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "ThemeName\\": "wp-content/themes/theme-name"

Create the following structure

├── /cache/views
├── /components
|   └── button.php
├── /templates
|   ├── 404.php
|   ├── front-page.php
|   ├── page.php
|   └── single.php
├── /views
|   └── /components
|   |   └── button.blade.php
|   └── /pages
|   |   └── default.blade.php
|   └── index.blade.php
└── functions.php
└── index.php
└── style.css


Add a page template in the /templates directory with a component class and add at least a public render function



namespace ThemeName;

use StarringJane\WordpressBlade\Component;

class Page extends Component
    public function render()
        return $this->view('pages.default', [
            'post' => get_post(),

Now you can access the $post variable in views/pages/default.blade.php


    <h1>{{ $post->post_title }}</h1>
    <div>{!! $post->post_content !!}<div>


Anonymous Components

Add your components to views/components

// views/components/button.blade.php
    'type' => 'default',

    {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'btn btn-'.$type]) }}
    {{ $slot }}

// views/pages/default.blade.php
<x-button type="primary">
    Click me

Class Components


namespace ThemeName\Components;

use StarringJane\WordpressBlade\Component;

class Button extends Component
    public $type;

    public function __construct($type)
        $this->type = $type;

    public function render()
        return $this->view('components.button', [
            'color' => $this->color(),

    protected function color()
        return 'red';

Custom directives

The following example creates a @datetime($var) directive which formats a given $var


use StarringJane\WordpressBlade\WordpressBlade;

add_action('after_setup_theme', function () {
    WordpressBlade::directive('datetime', function ($expression) {
        return "<?php echo ($expression)->format('m/d/Y H:i'); ?>";


Add page template directories

Add directories where wordpress should look for page templates, starting from the theme base

add_filter('wordpress-blade/template-directories', function ($directories) {
    $directories[] = 'controllers';

    return $directories;

Migrating from bladerunner

Follow this guide to migrate from bladerunner
