
Package to wrap basic php types behind a common interface

2.0.0 2023-12-29 19:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:37:35 UTC


Build Status

Basic OOP classes to wrap php basic types conversion behind a common interface.


composer require star/php-type

Casting value

You can use ValueGuesser to convert a mixed value to the object type.

use Star\Component\Type\ValueGuesser;

$int = ValueGuesser::fromMixed(12);
$int->isEmpty(); // false
$int->toBool(); // true
$int->toDate(); // throws Exception
$int->toFloat(); // 12.0
$int->toInteger(); // 12
$int->toString(); // "12"

Hooking into the type

When you don't know which type will be returned, the ValueVisitor allows you to define operations per type (like a switch case).

use Star\Component\Type\BooleanValue;
use Star\Component\Type\ValueVisitor;

$true = BooleanValue::asTrue();
    new class implements ValueVisitor {
        public function visitFloatValue(float $value): void {
            // do your custom operation when the value is float.