
SMS Fetcher

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.


Minimal PHP version Build Status

This PHP library will help you to fetch virtual and real phone numbers. These phone numbers are public phone numbers where you can receive SMS online from forums or social media platforms like: Yahoo, serverloft, CloudSigma, Amazon, NAVERLINE, OKru, RealStatus etc.


Add this line to your application's composer.json:

    "require": {
        "stajor/sms-fetcher": "~2.0"

and run composer update

Or run this command in your command line:

$ composer require stajor/sms-fetcher



$client = new \SMSFetcher\Client();

/*will return supported list of providers*/
$providers = $client->getProviders();

/*will return provider object*/
$provider = $client->getProvider('');

/*will return phone numbers array*/


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.