
Symfony Bundle For Surveys

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1.0.5 2024-03-11 11:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 11:39:48 UTC


This bundle provides a library of survey-related Entities and Services for Symfony projects.


This bundle is developed by SST Software, see LICENSE for more details.


  • Run composer require sst/surveylib-bundle
  • Create Entities, based on the interfaces in Interfaces/Entity (see below)



This bundle provides interfaces and traits to fulfill these, for a general Survey application.

The bundle assumes that these entities are stored in the App\Entity\Survey namespace, if this is not the case, you can change this in the configuration (see below).

Available Entities with their Traits and Interfaces are:

  • Survey: The basis of a survey, contains a list of containers
    • Trait: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\Traits\SurveyTrait
    • Interface: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Interfaces\Entity\SurveyInterface
  • Container: A container for one or more element-usages or one or more child-containers (use either one, combinations of child-containers and element-usages are not allowed)
    • Trait: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\Traits\ContainerTrait
    • Interface: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Interfaces\Entity\ContainerInterface
  • Element: The basis of a survey-element, which can be e.g. a question, or a piece of text.
    • Trait: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\Traits\ElementTrait
    • Interface: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Interfaces\Entity\ElementInterface
  • ElementUsage: An element-usage is a reference to an element, which can be used in a container.
    • Trait: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\Traits\ElementUsageTrait
    • Interface: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Interfaces\Entity\ElementUsageInterface
  • SurveyResponse: A group of answers, which is the result of a survey being filled in.
    • Trait: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\Traits\SurveyResponseTrait
    • Interface: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Interfaces\Entity\SurveyResponseInterface
  • Answer: Contains the given answer to an ElementUsage
    • Trait: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\Traits\AnswerTrait
    • Interface: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Interfaces\Entity\AnswerInterface



The Element entity and ElementData

The Element entity has a parameter elementData, in which all data regarding the element can be stored. ElementData matches the type of the Element, so make sure you set a valid combination of type and ElementDatawhen creating an Element

This bundle provides several default ElementData types:

ElementType ElementData Description
TEXT TextQuestionElementDataInterface Question which can be answered with a text
NUMBER NumberQuestionElementDataInterface Question which can be answered with a number
DATETIME DateTimeQuestionElementDataInterface Question which can be answered with a date or datetime
MULTIPLE_CHOICE MultipleChoiceQuestionElementDataInterface Multiple choice question
MULTIPLE_CHOICE_GRID MultipleChoiceGridQuestionElementDataInterface Question providing a grid of multiple multiple-choice-questions
SCALE ScaleQuestionElementDataInterface Question that can be shown as scale
INFO ElementDataInterface Info-text, to be shown during a survey
CUSTOM CustomElementDataInterface Custom ElementData, to allow for project-specific implementations

You can extend or overwrite these, as long as your ElementData implements the correct interface, matching the type of the Element.

Display conditions

This bundle provides a service to check if a given ElementUsage should be displayed, based on a given SurveyResponse.
To identify elements, it uses the code parameter of the ElementUsage.
The provided displayConditionService assumes that ElementUsage->display_condition contains a valid expression, see Symfony Expression Language.
So make sure, this code is unique in the set you are checking, usually this means, that it should be unique in the related survey.


This bundle contains several services to use in your survey-project. These are injected automatically when using their interfaces. This can be overridden by providing a configuration file (see below).

  • createSurveyResponseService: Creates a new SurveyResponse, linked to the given survey, with stored start-date and shuffled element-order (if applicable)
  • displayConditionService: Checks if the given ElementUsage should be displayed, based on a given SurveyResponse, also provided functions to get the condition as php or as javascript
  • astToJavascriptService: Converts an AST to javascript
  • nextElementService: Gets the next ElementUsage to display for a SurveyResponse, can also be used to get the previous item, by setting $reverse to true
  • addAnswerService: Adds one or more answers to a SurveyResponse, based on the given ElementUsage and the given rawAnswer
  • validateAnswerService: Validates the given answer for a given ElementUsage


You can customize which class implements which interface by providing a configuration file in your project.
If you want to do so, create a file config/packages/sst_survey_lib.yaml with the following contents:

        createSurveyResponseService: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Service\CreateSurveyResponseService
        displayConditionService: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Service\DisplayConditionService
        astToJavascriptService: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Service\AstToJavascriptService
        nextElementService: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Service\NextElementService
        addAnswerService: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Service\AddAnswerService
        validateAnswerService: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Service\ValidateAnswerService
        survey: App\Entity\Survey
        container: App\Entity\Container
        element: App\Entity\Element
        elementOverride: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Entity\ElementOverride
        elementUsage: App\Entity\ElementUsage
        surveyResponse: App\Entity\SurveyResponse
        answer: App\Entity\Answer
        elementData: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Types\ElementDataType
        rawAnswer: Sst\SurveyLibBundle\Types\RawAnswerType

These are the default values, if these are the values you need, you don't need to create the file. If you need to change this, copy (parts of) above code into this file.


This bundle provides a few events, which you can listen to.

  • SurveyResponseCreate::PRE_CREATE is dispatched before a survey-response is created

  • SurveyResponseCreate::POST_CREATE is dispatched after a survey-response is created

  • AnswerCreate::PRE_CREATE is dispatched before an answer is created

  • AnswerCreate::POST_CREATE is dispatched after an answer is created

  • AnswerCreate::PRE_UPDATE is dispatched before an answer is updated

  • AnswerCreate::POST_UPDATE is dispatched after an answer is updated

  • AnswerCreate::PRE_VALIDATE is dispatched before an answer is validated

  • AnswerCreate::POST_VALIDATE is dispatched after an answer is validated