
PHP runtime for AWS lambda.

v1.0.1 2021-10-23 02:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 09:33:38 UTC


cd scripts

Writing a Lambda Handler

  1. Write a class that implements ssigwart\LambdaRuntime\LambdaHandlerInterface.
  2. Write a bootstrap.php file that calls \LambdaRuntimeBootstrap\RuntimeBootstrap::setHandler() to set your handler.
    • This file can do additional work, such as setting up autoloading.
  3. Place your files in a handler/your_handler_name directory, zip, and upload to lambda.
    • Make sure handler name configured in Lambda matches your_handler_name.

Sample Handler


use ssigwart\LambdaRuntime\LambdaHandlerInterface;

/** Simple lamdba handler */
class MyHandler implements LambdaHandlerInterface
	 * Handle request
	 * @param string $invocationId Invocation ID
	 * @param string $payload Payload (typically JSON)
	 * @return string Response
	public function handleRequest(string $invocationId, string $payload): string
		return 'Invocation ' . $invocationId . ' with payload: ' . $payload;

// Set handler
\LambdaRuntimeBootstrap\RuntimeBootstrap::setHandler(new MyHandler());

Managing Lambda Layers

Uploading a Layer

  • Add to an S3 bucket
  • Upload layer to lambda
     aws --profile=YOUR_PROFILE lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name YOUR_LAYER_NAME --description "PHP 8.0 runtime." --content S3Bucket=YOUR_BUCKET,S3Key=YOUR_S3_PATH/
  • Save ARN and use it to add to lambda

Setting Layers on a Lambda Function

aws --profile=YOUR_PROFILE lambda update-function-configuration --function-name YOUR_FUNCTION --layers arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:635144173025:layer:YOUR_LAYER_NAME:1

Deleteing a Layer

aws --profile=YOUR_PROFILE lambda delete-layer-version --layer-name=YOUR_LAYER_NAME --version-number=1

Listing Layers

aws --profile=YOUR_PROFILE lambda list-layers
aws --profile=YOUR_PROFILE lambda list-layer-versions --layer-name=YOUR_LAYER_NAME