
Amplitude PHP SDK

1.0.0 2020-06-16 18:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 11:52:38 UTC


PHP Composer

Multifunctional Amplitude REST API PHP SDK with PSR-7 and PSR-18 support (HTTP Request, Response and Client interfaces).

  • A simple interface for tracking your events and identities into Amplitude service.
  • Can send both single events (identities) and bunch of them.
  • Uses PSR-7 interfaces for requests and responses, PSR-18 for HTTP client. This allows you to utilize other PSR-18 compatible libraries SDK. Guzzle HTTP client used by default.
  • Supports Amplitude features: platform data, revenue data, etc.

Installing Amplitude PHP SDK

The recommended way to install SDK is through Composer.

composer require srkt/amplitude-php


There are two types of library usage: simple "one method call" and full featured OOP styled one.

Event tracking

Create client

// Create new Amplitude client
$client = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Client('your-api-key-goes-here');


// Simple event tracking:
    ['eventProperty' => 'value'],
    ['userProperty' => 'value'],
); // PSR-7 Response

Full event object

// Full data event tracking
$event = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\Event('user1', 'registration');

// This is not full list of data setters, please check all Event class setters
    ->setCity('New York')
    ->setRevenueData(new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\RevenueData(10.00, 5.00, 2, 'product1', 'sell'))
        new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\PlatformData('Moblie', 'Android', '11.0')
    ->setEventProperties(['property' => 'value'])
    ->setUserProperties(new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserProperties(['userProperty' => 'value']));

$client->logEvent($event); // PSR-7 Response

Event with no userId but with deviceId

// Event without userId tracking
$event = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\Event(null, 'registration', [], null, null, 'device-id1');
$client->logEvent($event); // PSR-7 Response

Multiple events in one request

$events = [
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\Event('user1', 'registration'),
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\Event('user1', 'addPhoto'),
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\Event('user1', 'addInfo'),
$client->logEvents($events); // PSR-7 Response

User Identities tracking


$client = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Client('your-api-key-goes-here');
$identity = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserIdentity(
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserProperties(['userProperty' => 'value'])
$client->identifyUser($identity); // PSR-7 Response

Full identity object

// Full data identity tracking
$identity = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserIdentity(
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserProperties(['userProperty' => 'value'])

// This is not full list of data setters, please check all Event class setters
        new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\PlatformData('Moblie', 'Android', '11.0')

$client->identifyUser($identity); // PSR-7 Response

Multiple identities in one request

$identities = [
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserIdentity('user1', new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserProperties(['property' => 'value'])),
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserIdentity('user2', new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserProperties(['property' => 'value'])),
    new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserIdentity('user3', new \Srkt\Amplitude\Model\UserProperties(['property' => 'value'])),
$client->identifyUsers($identities); // PSR-7 Response

Advanced usage

You can change default Guzzle HTTP client to any other supports PSR-18 interface, or you can setup Guzzle client options.

$client = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Client('your-api-key-goes-here');
// Client adapter used for Guzzle versions prior to 7.0.0 
$httpClient = new \Srkt\Amplitude\Http\Client\GuzzlePsr18ClientAdapter([
    'timeout'         => 0,
    'allow_redirects' => false,
    'proxy'           => ''