
Package to create a complete Laravel API resource according to stub files.

0.0.7 2019-04-12 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 01:32:48 UTC


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This Laravel package creates an artisan command to generate an api skeleton.

php artisan make:apiskeleton

Artisan will ask 2 questions to define in which namespace and which name your skeleton should use

What is the namespace for the skeleton? [ApiSkeleton]
> Foo/Bar

What is the name for the skeleton? [ApiSkeleton}
> Hat

After the command the following files are created (may be different according to your config)

    │   └───Foo
    │       └───Bar
    │           |   HatController.php
    │   └───Foo
    │       └───Bar
    │           |   StoreHatRequest.php
    │           |   UpdateHatRequest.php
    │   └───Foo
    │       └───Bar
    │           |   Hat.php
    │           |   HatCollection.php

│   └───Foo
│       └───Bar
│           |   HatFactory.php
│   |   xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_hats_table.php
            |   HatTestSeeder.php
            |   HatDestroyTest.php 
            |   HatIndexTest.php 
            |   HatShowTest.php 
            |   HatStoreTest.php 
            |   HatUpdateTest.php    

Installation and usage

This package requires PHP 7.1 and Laravel 5.6 or higher. Install the package by running the following command in your console;

composer require sqits/laravel-api-skeleton

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sqits\ApiSkeleton\ApiSkeletonServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    'files' => [

         * Define if the model should be created when a new API skeleton is created.

        'models' => true,

         * Define if the migration for the model should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * The models should be set to true for the migrations to be created.

        'migrations' => true,

         * Define if the controller should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * When the model is created also, the model would be used automatically in the controller.

        'controllers' => true,

         * Define if the requests should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * The following requests will be made StoreModelRequest and UpdateModelRequest

        'requests' => true,

         * Define if the resources should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * The following resources will be made Model and ModelCollection.

        'resources' => true,

         * Define if the tests should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * The following tests will be made ModelIndexText, ModelShowTest, ModelStoreTest,
         * ModelUpdateTest and ModelDestroyTest.
         * Value should be true for creating the tests inside the Feature folder. set
         * the value to 'unit' to create the tests inside the Unit folder.

        'tests' => true,

         * Define if the seeders should be created when a new API skeleton is created.

        'seeders' => [

             * Define if the default seeder for the model should be created when a new
             * API skeleton is created.

            'defaults' => false,

             * Define if the test seeder for the model should be created when a new
             * API skeleton is created.

            'tests' => true,


         * Define if the factories should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * The following resources will be made Model and ModelCollection.

        'factories' => true,
         * Define if the services should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * You should define a folder in the config where the service should be located.
         * If this option is set to true, artisan will ask the user to confirm the generation
         * of the service to make it optional per skeleton. If you want to skip the question
         * your should add --service to the make:apiskeleton command.

        'services' => false,
         * Define if the repositories should be created when a new API skeleton is created.
         * You should define a folder in the config where the repository should be located.
         * If this option is set to true, artisan will ask the user to confirm the generation
         * of the factory to make it optional per skeleton. If you want to skip the question
         * your should add --repository to the make:apiskeleton command.

        'repositories' => false,


    'folders' => [

         * When creating the models, the models will be placed directly in the app folder
         * without a specific namespace. If you are using your own folder, please provide
         * the name of the folder. The model will be placed inside this folder with the
         * given namespace.

        'models' => null,
         * When creating the services, the services will be placed inside the given
         * folder which will be placed inside the app folder of your application.

        'services' => 'Services',
         * When creating the repositories, the repositories will be placed inside the given
         * folder which will be placed inside the app folder of your application.
        'repositories' => 'Repositories',


     * By default the resource collection will append `Collection` to the name. If you would
     * like to have the name of the collection pluralized set this option to true.

    'use_pluralized_collections' => false,

You can publish the stub files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sqits\ApiSkeleton\ApiSkeletonServiceProvider" --tag="stubs"

The stub files are placed inside your resources folder and will contain:

        |   service.stub
        |   repository.stub


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email to info@sqits.nl instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.