
Convert number to text

1.0.0 2021-02-16 15:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:21:34 UTC


This library allows you to convert a number to text or money.


Add package to your composer.json by running:

$ composer require splendour/number-to-text


This library currently has two types of number-to-text transformations: number and currency. In order to use a specific transformer for certain language you need to create an instance of NumberToText class and then call a method which creates a new instance of a transformer;

Number Transformer

Before using a transformer, it must be created:

use Splendour\NumberToText;

// create the number to text "transformer" class
$transformer = new NumberToText(1);

// set translation using the RFC 3066 language identifier
$transformer->setTranslation('tr'); //en is default

Then it can be used with the toText() method:

$transformer->toText(); // outputs "one"


Number to text

$text = new NumberToText(11);
$text->toText(); //eleven

$text = new NumberToText(1253);
$text->toText(); //bin ikiyüzelliüç

$text = new NumberToText(6420729122344886326918433610716);
$text->toText(); //six nonillion fourhundredtwenty octillion sevenhundredtwentynine septillion onehundredtwentytwo sextillion threehundredfortyfour quintillion eighthundredeightysix quadrillion twohundredseventytwo trillion onehundredsixtyeight billion sixhundredsixteen million fourhundredtwentyfour thousand onehundredsixtyeight

Number to money

$money = new NumberToText(4563.24);
$money->toMoney('dollars', 'cents') //four thousand fivehundredsixtythree dollars twentyfour cents


Thank you for considering contributing.


The project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.