
ABN Lookup

1.0.0 2020-12-22 01:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 23:38:37 UTC


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sparkeleven/abn-lookup is a composer package for easy access to ABN Lookup SOAP API sets. Supports both Laravel ^5|^6|^7|^8 and also pure PHP/Composer project.


1. Downloading package into your project

To plant this library on your Laravel project, you can simply run the following command inside your working directory of the Laravel project.

composer require sparkeleven/abn-lookup

2. Setting up service provider and alias

For Laravel versions earlier than 5.5 (which doesn't provide package auto-discovery), you should add the followings into your config/app.php file;

// Under `providers` array

// Under `aliases` array
'AbnLookup' => SparkEleven\AbnLookup\Facades\AbnLookup::class,

3. Publishing the package into your project

Run the command below to publish the package (config, translations, views):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=SparkEleven\\AbnLookup\\AbnLookupServiceProvider


After successfully published the package, you should check the config/abn-lookup.php file. Read the guides on this file to setup essential information (Authentication GUID and etc).


return [

    | Authentication GUID
    | To access ABN Lookup web services, an authentication GUID (Globally
    |  Unique Identifier) is required. You can find your own GUID from the
    |  email received after your registration is completed.
    | For more details, visit below link;

    'auth_guid' => env('ABNLOOKUP_AUTH_GUID'),

    | WSDL path
    | Path to WSDL which describes the web services of ABN Lookup. It is
    |  recommended not to change this value from default.
    | For more details, visit below link;

    'wsdl' => \SparkEleven\AbnLookup\Services\AbnLookupService::DEFAULT_WSDL,

    | WSDL cache method
    | For better performance, it is recommended to cache the WSDL file. Do not
    |  change this value if you are not sure about it, or you will experience
    |  terrible response time.
    | Must be one of;
    | For more details, visit below link;

    'wsdl_cache' => env('ABNLOOKUP_WSDL_CACHE', WSDL_CACHE_DISK),


How to use

You can simply import AbnLookup facade to access static search methods provided.


use AbnLookup;

// searchByAbn
$result = AbnLookup::searchByAbn('33102417032');
echo $result['mainName']['organisationName']; // Google Australia Pty Ltd

// searchByAsic
$result = AbnLookup::searchByAsic('102417032');
echo $result['entityType']['entityDescription']; // Australian Private Company
echo $result['mainName']['organisationName']; // Google Australia Pty Ltd

// searchByName
$result = AbnLookup::searchByName('Google Australia Pty Ltd');
echo $result['searchResultsRecord'][0]['ABN']['identifierValue']; // 41726564339

You can check the correct i/o schema on the WSDL document.

Outside of Laravel

This package can be also used outside of Laravel project. Run below code snippet to initialize service class and use the same code as on Laravel project.

use SparkEleven\AbnLookup\Services\AbnLookupService as AbnLookup;

// Initiate service
    '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', // Your authentication GUID
    AbnLookup::DEFAULT_WSDL, // WSDL path
    WSDL_CACHE_DISK, // WSDL cache method


sparkeleven/abn-lookup is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Contribution guidelines

Support follows PSR-1 and PSR-4 PHP coding standards, and semantic versioning.

Please report any issue you find in the issues page. Pull requests are welcome.