
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Laravel's mail transport for SendinBlue

v3.5.0 2022-06-01 08:20 UTC


Laravel's mail transport for SendinBlue

Build Status



composer require webup/laravel-sendinblue


Version Laravel Sendinblue Api
3.* 7.0 and above v3
2.* 5.5 - 6.* v3
1.1.* 5.5 - 6.* v2
1.0.* 5.0 - 5.4 v2



    'mailers' => [
        // ...
        'sendinblue' => [
            'transport' => 'sendinblue',


    'sendinblue' => [
        // api-key or partner-key
        'key_identifier' => env('SENDINBLUE_KEY_IDENTIFIER', 'api-key'),
        'key' => env('SENDINBLUE_KEY'),



# if you need to set the guzzle proxy config
# those are example values

Usage in Mailable with Template Id

Using the sendinblue() method you may pass extra fields listed below. All fields are optional:

  • template_id (integer)
  • tags (array)
  • params (array)

If you want to use the subject defined in the template, it's necessary to pass the SendinBlueTransport::USE_TEMPLATE_SUBJECT placeholder in the subject(). You may as well override the subject text here. Otherwise, without the subject() method, the subject will be derived from the class name.

Mailable requires a view - pass an empty array in the view() method.



namespace App\Mail;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Webup\LaravelSendinBlue\SendinBlue; // <- you need this
use Webup\LaravelSendinBlue\SendinBlueTransport; // <- you need this

class MyMailable extends Mailable
    use Queueable;
    use SerializesModels;
    use SendinBlue; // <- you need this

    // ...

    public function build()
        return $this
            ->subject(SendinBlueTransport::USE_TEMPLATE_SUBJECT) // use template subject
            // ->subject('My own subject') // subject overridden
                    'template_id' => 84,
                    'tags'        => ['offer'],
                    'params'      => [
                        'FIRSTNAME' => 'John',
                        'LINK'      => '',
                        'AMOUNT'    => '29',

Params are accessbile in the SendinBlue template as:

  • {{ params.FIRSTNAME }}
  • {{ params.LINK }}
  • {{ params.AMOUNT }}

You may as well use param substitution in the subject field, eg.:
{{ params.FIRSTNAME }}, forgot your password?!

Note: Do not use hyphens '-' in the variable names. {{ params.FIRST_NAME }} will work properly, but {{ params.FIRST-NAME }} will fail. Source: sendinblue/APIv3-php-library#151

Regarding additional features

This library aims to provide a Laravel-compatible interface for SendInBlue along with support for template ids, tags and params.

If you need features like specific SendInBlue beta SMTP Template batching, you should directly use the official SendInBlue PHP library.