
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Integration of Alfresco in Laravel

1.0.6 2023-05-03 13:34 UTC



Alfresco-Laravel is a package that allows the management of files in a Alfresco via Laravel.


composer require sonergia/alfresco-laravel:"^1.0"

Service Provider

After the installation, you need to register Alfresco-Laravel in your config/app.php file, find the providers array and add:



For a simpler use of this package, register the alias in the alias array in your config/app.php file adding:

'Alfresco' => Sonergia\AlfrescoLaravel\Models\AlfrescoLaravel::class


Finally you must publish the configuration file to set your connection data.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=alfresco

This will copy the configuration file to config/alfresco.php.


After the configuration, the package will we ready to use:


To upload a file to Alfresco, you need to add the following lines to your code:

use Alfresco; // At the top of your controller
Alfresco::upload($file); //When you want to upload a file, being $file a UploadedFile instance

This function will return a boolean indicating the result of the operation.

List folder content

To list the content of a folder in Alfresco, you need to add the following lines to your code:

use Alfresco; // At the top of your controller
Alfresco::list($nodeId); //When you want to list the content of a folder, being $nodeId the id of the folder to list

The return of this function will be something like this:

	"back" => "b4cff62a-664d-4d45-9302-98723eac1319", //The id of the parent folder (optional)
	"children" => [ //Array with all the childs of the folder (optional)
						"id":"b31cfcd4-06a8-4a8e-8073-2b047aa2f82a", //The id of the child
						"name":"image1.png", //The name of the document/folder
						"isFolder":false //Boolean to indicate if the node is a folder or not


To download a file from Alfresco, you need to add the following lines to your code:

use Alfresco; // At the top of your controller
Alfresco::download($nodeId, $destinationFolder); //When you want to download a file, being $nodeId the id of the node to download and $destinationFolder the route to the folder where de node will be storaged

This function will return a boolean indicating the result of the operation.