
Generate PDF invoices for your customers in laravel

v2.03 2024-10-18 21:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 22:09:10 UTC


Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version MIT Licensed


Invoices is a Laravel library that generates a PDF invoice for your customers. The PDF can be either downloaded or streamed in the browser. It's highly customizable, and you can modify the whole output view as well.


To get started, install using the composer package manager:

composer require solumdesignum/invoices

Next, publish resources using the vendor:publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SolumDeSignum\Invoices\InvoicesServiceProvider"

This command will publish a config to your config directory, which will be created if it does not exist.

Invoices Features

The configuration file contains configurations.



return [
    'templates' => [

    | Default Currency
    | This value is the default currency that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.

    'currency' => 'EUR',

    | Default Decimal Precision
    | This value is the default decimal precision that is going to be used
    | to perform all the calculations.

    'decimals' => 2,

    | Default Invoice Logo
    | This value is the default invoice logo that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.

    'logo' => '',

    | Default Invoice Logo Height
    | This value is the default invoice logo height that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.

    'logo_height' => 60,

    | Default Invoice Buissness Details
    | This value is going to be the default attribute displayed in
    | the customer model.

    'business_details' => [
        'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'My Company'),
        'id' => '1234567890',
        'phone' => '+34 123 456 789',
        'location' => 'Main Street 1st',
        'zip' => '08241',
        'city' => 'Barcelona',
        'country' => 'Spain',

    | Default Invoice Footnote
    | This value is going to be at the end of the document, sometimes telling you
    | some copyright message or simple legal terms.

    'footnote' => '',

    | Default Tax Rates
    | This array group multiple tax rates.
    | The tax type accepted values are: 'percentage' and 'fixed'.
    | The percentage type calculates the tax depending on the invoice price, and
    | the fixed type simply adds a fixed amount to the total price.
    | You can't mix percentage and fixed tax rates.
    'tax_rates' => [
            'name' => '',
            'tax' => 0,
            'tax_type' => 'percentage',

    | Default Invoice Due Date
    | This value is the default due date that is going to be used in invoices.
    | You can change it on each invoice individually.
    | You can set it null to remove the due date on all invoices.
    'due_date' => date('M dS ,Y', strtotime('+3 months')),

    | Default pagination parameter
    | This value is the default pagination parameter.
    | If true and page count are higher than 1, pagination will show at the bottom.
    'with_pagination' => true,

    | Duplicate header parameter
    | This value is the default header parameter.
    | If true header will be duplicated on each page.
    'duplicate_header' => false,


Sample Invoice

This is a sample invoice generated using this library:

Sample Invoice

$invoice = (new \SolumDeSignum\Invoices\Invoices())
                ->addItem('Test Item', 10.25, 2, "1412")
                ->addItem('Test Item 2', 5, 2, "923")
                ->addItem('Test Item 3', 15.55, 5, "42")
                ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, "923")
                ->addItem('Test Item 5', 3.12, 1, "3142")
                ->addItem('Test Item 6', 6.41, 3, "452")
                ->addItem('Test Item 7', 2.86, 1, "1526")
                ->addItem('Test Item 8', 5, 2, 923, '')
                ->setNotes('Lrem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.')
                    new Collection([
                        'name' => 'Oskars Germovs',
                        'id' => '12345678A',
                        'phone' => '+371 000 000 00',
                        'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st',
                        'zip' => '08241',
                        'city' => 'Manresa',
                        'country' => 'Spain',
                    new Collection([
                        'id' => '123456789',
                        'name' => 'Solum DeSignum',
                        'phone' => '+371 000 000 00',
                        'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st',
                        'zip' => 'LV-1046',
                        'city' => 'Riga',
                        'country' => 'Latvia',



Solum DeSignum Invoices is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


This package is based on a package consoletvs/invoices.