
A lightweight, fluent SQL query builder for PHP, providing secure and intuitive database interactions.

v1.2.0 2025-02-27 16:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 16:43:31 UTC


Version License

A lightweight, fluent SQL query builder for PHP, providing secure and intuitive database interactions.

✨ Features

  • Fluent Interface: Chainable methods for building queries.
  • CRUD Support: Quickly create, read, update, and delete.
  • Secure Binding: Automatic placeholder handling to prevent SQL injection.
  • Alias Parsing: Easy table aliasing (e.g., answers_services|a).
  • Condition Groups: Complex WHERE clauses with closures.
  • Join Clauses: INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN support.
  • Raw SQL: Safely insert raw SQL snippets when needed.
  • HAVING Support: Add HAVING clauses the same way you use WHERE.
  • Search Functionality: Easily implement search with keywords across fields.

📥 Installation

Install via Composer:

composer require solophp/query-builder

🚀 Usage


use App\Core\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder;
use Solo\Database;

$db = new Database(/* your config */);
$qb = new QueryBuilder($db);


$results = $qb
    ->select(['id', 'title'])
    ->where('p.created_at', '>', '2023-01-01')
    ->leftJoin('users|u', ' = p.author_id')
    ->orderBy('', 'DESC')


        'title' => 'Hello World',
        'content' => 'Welcome to my blog!',
        'author_id' => 1


    ->set(['title' => 'Updated Title'])
    ->where('id', '=', 5)


    ->where('id', 'IN', [4, 5, 6])


    ->whereRaw('LENGTH(username) > ?i', [10])


    ->whereGroup(function ($builder) {
        $builder->where('o.status', '=', 'pending')
                ->orWhere('o.payment_status', '=', 'failed');


You can add HAVING conditions similarly to WHERE. For example, if you want to find categories with more than 10 products:

$results = $qb
    ->select(['p.category', 'COUNT( AS total'])
    ->having('total', '>', 10)

You can also chain multiple conditions, use andHavingGroup(), orHaving(), etc., just like with WHERE.

Using Search

The search method provides a convenient way to search for keywords in specific fields:

$results = $qb
    ->search('laptop', ['', 'p.description'])

You can also search in a specific field using a colon syntax:

$results = $qb
    ->search('name:gaming laptop', ['', 'p.description', 'p.category'])

The search functionality supports multiple keywords (space-separated) and will apply them with an AND condition.

📘 API Reference

Core Methods

Method Description
select(array $fields) Initiate a SELECT query.
insert(string $table) Initiate an INSERT query.
update(string $table) Initiate an UPDATE query.
delete(string $table) Initiate a DELETE query.

Query Methods (SELECT)

Method Description
from(string $table) Specify the table and optional alias.
distinct(bool $distinct = true) Use SELECT DISTINCT.
join(string $table, string $condition, string $type) Add a JOIN clause (INNER / LEFT / RIGHT).
leftJoin(string $table, string $condition) Add a LEFT JOIN clause.
rightJoin(string $table, string $condition) Add a RIGHT JOIN clause.
innerJoin(string $table, string $condition) Add an INNER JOIN clause.
where(string $field, string $operator, mixed $value) Basic WHERE condition.
andWhere(string $field, string $operator, mixed $value) AND condition (chained).
orWhere(string $field, string $operator, mixed $value) OR condition.
whereBetween(string $field, mixed $start, mixed $end) WHERE BETWEEN condition.
whereRaw(string $sql, array $bindings = []) Insert a raw SQL snippet in WHERE.
whereGroup(Closure $callback) Group multiple conditions via a closure.
groupBy(string $field) GROUP BY a specified field.
having(string $field, string $operator, mixed $value) HAVING condition (works like where).
andHaving(string $field, string $operator, mixed $value) AND condition for HAVING.
orHaving(string $field, string $operator, mixed $value) OR condition for HAVING.
havingBetween(string $field, mixed $start, mixed $end) HAVING BETWEEN condition.
havingRaw(string $sql, array $bindings = []) Insert a raw SQL snippet in HAVING.
havingGroup(Closure $callback) Group multiple HAVING conditions via a closure.
orderBy(?string $field, ?string $direction) ORDER BY clause. Safe to pass null values.
addOrderBy(string $field, string $direction) Add additional order criteria.
limit(int $limit, int $offset = 0) Limit and offset for pagination.
paginate(int $page, int $limit) Paginate by page number.
search(?string $search, array $searchableFields) Add search conditions with multiple keywords support.

Execution & Results

Method Description
get(?int $fetchMode = null) Execute SELECT and return all rows.
getOne(?int $fetchMode = null) Execute SELECT with LIMIT 1 and return a single row.
getIndexedBy(string $field) Return an associative array indexed by a specific field.
count() Execute a SELECT COUNT(*) using the current conditions.
execute() Execute INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
toSql() Return the generated SQL string without executing.


Indexed Results:

$users = $qb->select()
// Returns array keyed by user ID

Counting Records:

$total = $qb->select()
    ->where('status', '=', 'published')

Complex Grouping with WHERE:

$results = $qb->select()
    ->whereGroup(function ($builder) {
        $builder->where('status', '=', 'pending')
                ->orWhere('priority', '>', 5);


$results = $qb->select(['p.category', 'COUNT( AS total'])
    ->having('total', '>', 10)

**Using Search:**

// Search for "phone" in name, description, and tags fields
$results = $qb->select()
    ->search('phone', ['', 'p.description', 'p.tags'])

// Search for "premium" in only the category field
$results = $qb->select()
    ->search('category:premium', ['', 'p.category', 'p.tags'])

## ✅ Requirements

- PHP 8.2+
- [solophp/database]( for database connections

## 📄 License