
Synop (AAXX/BBXX) weather report decoder

0.1.4 2024-03-06 12:00 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-06 13:00:14 UTC


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Synop (AAXX/BBXX) weather report decoder

PHP library for decoding SYNOP (AAXX) strings of weather reports.

You can try out the library on the demo site


This library component is a parser for decoding the raw SYNOP weather report.

SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) is a numerical code (called FM-12 by WMO) used for reporting weather observations made by manned and automated weather stations. A report consists of groups of numbers and symbols describing meteorological parameters, that observes at a weather station.

See more details at Manual of Codes. International of codes. Volume I.1. World Meteorological Organization, 2011

There are such forms of surface synoptic observations

  • SYNOP - Report of surface observation from a fixed land station
  • SHIP - Report of surface observation from a sea station
  • SYNOP MOBILE - Report of surface observation from a mobile land station

The current version of the library works with the SYNOP code form.


This library only requires PHP >= 7.4


Add the library to your composer.json file in your project:

  "require": {
      "soandso/synop": "0.*"

Use composer to install the library:

$ php composer.phar install

Composer will install synop decoder library inside your vendor folder. Then you can add the following to your .php files to use the library with Autoloading.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

You can also use composer on the command line to require and install Grouping:

$ php composer.phar require soandso/synop


Instantiate the Report class with the SYNOP weather report string. To check the validity of the original weather report, use the validate method of the Report object.

If the summary is in a valid format, you can get the decoded SYNOP parameters. The Report object contains methods for getting decoded data.

Available Methods of the Report Object

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Soandso\Synop\Report;

$report = new Report('AAXX 07181 33837 11583 83102 10039 21007 30049 40101 52035 60012 70282 8255/ 333 10091 555 1/004=');

//Starts the decoding process

//Check validate format
$report->validate(); //true
//If the validate method returns false, you can use the getErrors method to display errors decoding the weather report

//Returns errors in meteorological weather report.
//If the validate method returns false, then the getErrors method will return an array of errors.
//Otherwise, it returns false
$report->getErrors() //false

//Returns information about decoding errors in short form (error description only)
$report->getErrorList() //false

//Group YYGGiw
//Get a type of weather station
$report->getTypeStation(); //AAXX

//Get a date (day) of a meteorological report
$report->getDay(); //07

//Get a time (hour) of a meteorological report
$report->getTime(); //18

//Get a unit of measure for wind speed
$report->getUnitWind(); //m/s

//Get a type of wind measurement
$report->getWindDetection(); //Instrumental

//Group IIiii
//Area number of meteorological station
$report->getAreaNumber(); //33

//Number of meteorological station
$report->getStationNumber(); //837

//station index
$report->getStationIndex(); //33837

//Group IrIxhVV
//Index inclusion the precipitation group 6RRRtr
$report->getInclusionPrecipitation(); //Included in section 1

//Weather indicator inclusion index 7wwW1W2
$report->getInclusionWeather(); //Included

//Type station operation
$report->getTypeStationOperation(); //Manned

//Base height of low clouds above sea level
$report->getHeightLowCloud(); //600-1000

//Unit for a base height of low clouds above sea level
$report->getHeightLowCloudUnit(); //m

//Meteorological range of visibility
$report->getVisibility(); //45

//Unit for a meteorological range of visibility
$report->getVisibilityUnit(); //km

//Group NDDff
//Total clouds
$report->getTotalAmountCloud(); //10

//Direction of wind
$report->getWindDirection(); //310

//Unit for direction of wind
$report->getWindDirectionUnit(); //degrees

//Wind speed
$report->getWindSpeed(); //2

//Unit for wind speed
$report->getWindSpeedUnit(); //m/s

//Group 1SnTTT
//Air temperature
$report->getAirTemperature(); //3.9

//Unit for air temperature
$report->getAirTemperatureUnit(); //degree C

//Group 2SnTdTdTd
//Dew point temperature
$report->getDewPointTemperature(); //-0.7

//Unit for dew point temperature
$report->getDewPointTemperatureUnit(); //degree C

//Group 3P0P0P0
//Atmospheric pressure at station level
$report->getStationLevelPressure(); //1004.9

//Unit for atmospheric pressure at station level
$report->getStationLevelPressureUnit(); //hPa

//Group 4PPPP
//Atmospheric pressure reduced to mean sea level
$report->getSeaLevelPressure(); //1010.1

//Unit for atmospheric pressure reduced to mean sea level
$report->getSeaLevelPressureUnit(); //hPa

//Group 5appp
//Pressure change over last three hours
$report->getBaricTendency(); //3.5

//Unit for pressure change over last three hours
$report->getBaricTendencyUnit(); //hPa

//Group 6RRRtr
//Value of amount of rainfall
$report->getAmountRainfall(); //1

//Unit for amount of rainfall
$report->getAmountRainfallUnit(); //mm

//Duration period of rainfall
$report->getDurationPeriodRainfall(); //At 0600 and 1800 GMT

//Group 7wwW1W2
//present weather
$report->getPresentWeather(); //State of sky on the whole unchanged

//Past weather
//array(2) {
//  ["W1"]=>
//  string(9) "Shower(s)"
//  ["W2"]=>
//  string(73) "Cloud covering more than 1/2 of the sky throughout the appropriate period"

//Group 8NhClCmCH
//Amount of low or middle cloud
$report->getAmountLowOrMiddleCloud(); //2 eight of sky covered

//Form of low cloud
$report->getFormLowCloud(); //Stratocumulus not resulting from the spreading out of Cumulus

//Form of medium cloud
$report->getFormMediumCloud(); //Semi-transparent Altocumulus in bands, or Altocumulus in one or more fairly continuous layers (semi-transparent or opaque), progressively invading the sky; these Altocumulus clouds generally thicken as a whole

//Form of high cloud
$report->getFormHighCloud(); //Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostartus invisible owing to darkness, fog, blowing dust or sand, or other similar phenomena or more often because of the presence of a continuous layer of lower clouds

//Section 3
//Group 1SnTxTxTx
//Maximum air temperature
$report->getMaxAirTemperature(); //9.1

//Unit for maximum air temperature
$report->getMaxAirTemperatureUnit(); //degree C

//Group 2SnTnTnTn
//Minimum air temperature
$report->getMinAirTemperature(); //NULL

//Unit for minimum air temperature
$report->getMinAirTemperatureUnit(); //NULL

//Group 3ESnTgTg
//state of ground for case ground without snow or measurable ice cover
$report->getStateGroundWithoutSnow(); //NULL

//Grass minimum temperature for case ground without snow or measurable ice cover
$report->getMinTemperatureOfGroundWithoutSnow(); //NULL

//Unit for grass minimum temperature for case ground without snow or measurable ice cover
$report->getMinTemperatureOfGroundWithoutSnowUnit(); //NULL

//Group 4Esss
//State of ground for case ground with snow or measurable ice cover
$report->getStateGroundWithSnow(); //NULL

//Depth of snow
$report->getDepthSnow(); //NULL

//Unit for depth of snow
$report->getDepthSnowUnit(); //NULL

//Group 55SSS
//Duration of daily sunshine
$report->getDurationSunshine(); //NULL

//Unit for a duration of daily sunshine
$report->getDurationSunshineUnit(); //NULL

//Group 6RRRtr
//Amount of rainfall
$report->getRegionalExchangeAmountRainfall(); //NULL

//Unit for amount of rainfall
$report->getRegionalExchangeAmountRainfallUnit(); //NULL

//Duration period of rainfall
$report->getRegionalExchangeDurationPeriodRainfall(); //NULL

//Group 8NsChshs
//Amount of individual cloud layer
$report->getAmountIndividualCloudLayer(); //NULL

//Form of cloud (additional cloud information)
$report->getFormCloud(); //NULL

//Height of base of cloud layer (additional cloud information)
$report->getHeightCloud(); //NULL

//Unit for a form of cloud (additional cloud information)
$report->getHeightCloudUnit(); //NULL


If you find a SYNOP report that is poorly parsed by this library, please open a GitHub issue with as many details as possible.

To improve the test suite, fork the repository and push your changes using a pull request.

If you have an idea to improve the library, develop new features, use GitHub issues, or direct pull requests. To contribute to the codebase, you should fork the repository on GitHub and then clone it locally. Make changes to the code and submit a pull request.

The documentation of the program code can be viewed in the docs directory.

A simplified sequence diagram of one of the main methods - parse() of the Report class.

Sequence diagram of parse method

Code quality and test coverage are analyzed by the Codacy service


Synop conforms to the following standards:


Grouping is licensed under the GPLv2 License (