
Contact form for nette applications - SnugCMS.

v2.4.2 2020-08-26 22:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 05:28:51 UTC


This extension add contact form to your application.



The best way to install snugcomponents/contact-form is using Composer:

$ composer require snugcomponents/contact-form


You can enable the extension using your neon config:

	SnugcomponentsContactForm: Snugcomponents\Contact\ContactExtension


You can simply inject factory in Your Presenters/Services:

public function __construct(\Snugcomponents\Contact\Contact\IContactFormFactory $contactFormFactory)

or You can use trait in presenters:

abstract class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
    use \Snugcomponents\Contact\TContactForm;

and then in .latte:

{control contractForm}


Component is fully customizable. You can set options in config file like this:

	template: 'path/to/your/form/template.latte'                        # IMPORTANT template must contain snippet with name 'contactForm'
	title: 'your title'                                                 # title of formular
	sendButtonText: 'your send button text'                             # text which will be shown in send button
	emailReceiver: 'your email receiver'                                # can be more emails separated by ','
	emailSubject: 'your email subject'
	emailSender: 'your email sender'
	emailMessage: 'your email message'                                  # content of email. Must contain tags: $NAME$, $PHONE$, $EMAIL$, $TEXT$
		siteKey: 'your site key for ReCaptcha'
		secretKey: 'your secret key for ReCaptcha'
		errors:                                                     # In this section are ERROR messages so client does not see them so you don't need to modify them
			missingSiteKey: 'Please insert SiteKey for ReCaptcha'
			missingSecretKey: 'Please insert SecretKey for ReCaptcha'
			missingReCaptchaPOSTdata: 'your recaptcha error if someone deletes recaptcha item from form'
		success: 'Message which show after sending email'
		error: 'Message which shows after failure sending email'
		name: 'Name'
		mobile: 'Mobile number'
		email: 'E-mail'
		message: 'Message'
		personal_data: 'Accept condition'
		name: 'Name'
		mobile: 'Mobile number'
		email: 'E-mail'
		message: 'Message'
		name: 'required'                                            # set to false if you want to have this input unrequired or not shown. Otherwise set the error message if not filled
		mobile: 'required'                                          # set to false if you want to have this input unrequired or not shown. Otherwise set the error message if not filled
		email: 'required'                                           # set to false if you want to have this input unrequired or not shown. Otherwise set the error message if not filled
		message: 'required'                                         # set to false if you want to have this input unrequired or not shown. Otherwise set the error message if not filled
		personal_data: 'You must accept this'                       # set to false if you want to have this input unrequired or not shown. Otherwise set the error message if not filled
		recaptcha: 'You are robot'
		form:                                                       # In this section are ERROR messages so client does not see them so you don't need to modify them
			missingSender: 'You must fill the E-mail sender'
			missingReceiver: 'You must fill the E-mail receiver'
			missingSubject: 'You must fill the E-mail subject'
			missingMessage: 'You must fill the E-mail message'
			wrongSender: 'E-mail sender must be an email address'
			wrongReceiver: 'E-mail receiver must be an email address'
				missingName: 'In your E-mail message is missing name tag. Please insert at least one $NAME$ tag in message string.'
				missingPhone: 'In your E-mail message is missing phone tag. Please insert at least one $PHONE$ tag in message string.'
				missingEmail: 'In your E-mail message is missing email tag. Please insert at least one $EMAIL$ tag in message string.'
				missingText: 'In your E-mail message is missing text tag. Please insert at least one $TEXT$ tag in message string.'


This extension uses ReCaptcha v2. If you want to use ReCaptcha you must set the ReCaptcha widget into your template. For more information see ReCaptcha will not be used if you do not set ReCaptcha secretKey and siteKey in your config file.


This extension requires Nette2.4 and it is property of SnugDesign 2020