
Generate PDF Report for laravel design by snono systems

dev-master 2018-11-19 19:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-01 21:30:23 UTC


Generate PDF report like (invoice, receipt ) for laravel


* "php >= 5.4.0
* ext-gd
* ext-dom
* ext-mbstring
* phenx/php-font-lib
* phenx/php-svg-lib
* ext-bcmath
* illuminate/support
* illuminate/view
* nesbot/carbon

Install with composer

composer require snono/report-builder

Publish the Configration

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=report-bulder

Example Usage: First you need add import class ReportBuilder

use Snono\ReportBuilder\Builder\Classes\ReportBuilder;

see example code blow

$invoice = ReportBuilder::make()
            ->addItem('ماتزال تداعيات التقييم الذي أصدرته وكالة ', 10.25, 2, 1412)
            ->addItem('Test Item 2', 5, 2, 923)
            ->addItem('Test Item 3', 15.55, 5, 42)
            ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923)
            ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923)
            ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923)
            ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923)
            ->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923)
            ->notes('Lrem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.')
                        'name' => 'Èrik Campobadal Forés',
            'id' => '12345678A',
            'phone' => '+34 123 456 789',
            'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st',
            'zip' => '08241',
            'city' => 'Manresa',
            'country' => 'Spain',

The PHP extension bcmath is required so check you php version by command

php -v
sudo apt install php7.2-bcmath