
PHP HTTP Client Middleware Libraries for SnapSearch. Search engine optimisation for single page applications.

1.2.2 2015-04-30 11:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:14:51 UTC


Build Status

Snapsearch Client PHP is PHP based framework agnostic HTTP client library for SnapSearch (

  • It's PSR-0 compliant.
  • Compatible with Stack PHP or HTTP Kernel frameworks.
  • Works on HHVM. (Check Travis!)

Snapsearch is a search engine optimisation (SEO) and robot proxy for complex front-end javascript & AJAX enabled (potentially realtime) HTML5 web applications.

Search engines like Google's crawler and dumb HTTP clients such as Facebook's image extraction robot cannot execute complex javascript applications. Complex javascript applications include websites that utilise AngularJS, EmberJS, KnockoutJS, Dojo, Backbone.js, Ext.js, jQuery, JavascriptMVC, Meteor, SailsJS, Derby, RequireJS and much more. Basically any website that utilises javascript in order to bring in content and resources asynchronously after the page has been loaded, or utilises javascript to manipulate the page's content while the user is viewing them such as animation.

Snapsearch intercepts any requests made by search engines or robots and sends its own javascript enabled robot to extract your page's content and creates a cached snapshot. This snapshot is then passed through your own web application back to the search engine, robot or browser.

Snapsearch's robot is an automated load balanced Firefox browser. This Firefox browser is kept up to date with the nightly versions, so we'll always be able to serve the latest in HTML5 technology. Our load balancer ensures your requests won't be hampered by other user's requests.

For more details on how this works and the benefits of usage see

SnapSearch provides similar libraries in other languages:


Requires 5.3.3 or above and Curl extension.


Add this to your composer.json

"snapsearch/snapsearch-client-php": "~1.2"

Then run composer install or composer update.


Just extract repository into your library location. Then use your own PSR-0 autoloader to autoload the classes inside src/SnapSearchClientPHP/.

You can also use the supplied autoloader. First clone this project to your desired location, then write:


If you don't want to use an autoloader, just require all the classes inside src/SnapSearchClientPHP/ except Bootstrap.php.

Note you will have to install the dependencies and autoload them manually as well. Look into composer.json file and find the dependencies in the "require" section.

Don't forget about the resources/ folder containing the necessary resources for this library to work.


SnapSearchClientPHP should be best started at the entry point your application. This could be inside a front controller, bootstrapping process, IOC container, or middleware. For a single page application, your entry point would be the code that first presents the initial HTML page.

For full documentation on the API and API request parameters see:

By the way, you need to blacklist non-html resources such as sitemap.xml. This is explained in

###Basic Usage

$client = new \SnapSearchClientPHP\Client('email', 'key');
$detector = new \SnapSearchClientPHP\Detector;
$interceptor = new \SnapSearchClientPHP\Interceptor($client, $detector);

//exceptions should be ignored in production, but during development you can check it for validation errors

    $response = $interceptor->intercept();

}catch(SnapSearchClientPHP\SnapSearchException $e){}


    //this request is from a robot

    //status code
    header(' ', true, $response['status']); //as of PHP 5.4, you can use http_response_code($response['status']);
    //the complete $response['headers'] is not returned to the search engine due to potential content or transfer encoding issues, except for the potential location header, which is used when there is an HTTP redirect
        foreach($response['headers'] as $header){
            if($header['name'] == 'Location'){
                header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value']);

    echo $response['html'];


    //this request is not from a robot
    //continue with normal operations...


Here's an example $response variable (not all variables are available, you need to check the request parameters):

$response = [
    'cache'             => true/false,
    'callbackResult'    => '',
    'date'              => 1390382314,
    'headers'           => [
            'name'  => 'Content-Type',
            'value' => 'text/html'
    'html'              => '<html></html>',
    'message'           => 'Success/Failed/Validation Errors',
    'pageErrors'        => [
            'error'   => 'Error: document.querySelector(...) is null',
            'trace'   => [
                    'file'      => 'filename',
                    'function'  => 'anonymous',
                    'line'      => '41',
                    'sourceURL' => 'urltofile'
    'screenshot'        => 'BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE CONTENT',
    'status'            => 200

###Advanced Usage

$request_parameters = array(
    //add your API request parameters if you have any...

$blacklisted_routes = array(
    //add your black listed routes if you have any...

$whitelisted_routes = array(
    //add your white listed routes if you have any...

$check_file_extensions = //if you wish for SnapSearchClient to check if the URL leads to a static file, switch this on to a boolean true, however this is expensive and time consuming, so it's better to use black listed or white listed routes

$symfony_http_request_object = //get the Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request

$robot_json_path = //if you have a custom robots.json you can choose to use that instead, use the absolute path

$extensions_json_path = //if you have a custom extensions.json you can choose hat insead, use the absolute path

$client = new \SnapSearchClientPHP\Client('email', 'key', $request_parameters);

$detector = new \SnapSearchClientPHP\Detector(

//robots can be direct accessed and manipulated
$detector->robots['match'][] = 'my_custom_bot_to_be_matched';
$detector->robots['ignore'][] = 'my_ignored_robot';

//extensions can as well, add to 'generic' or 'php'
$detector->extensions['php'][] = 'validextension';

$interceptor = new \SnapSearchClientPHP\Interceptor($client, $detector);

//your custom cache driver
$cache = new YourCustomClientSideCacheDriver;

//the before_intercept callback is called after the Detector has detected a search engine robot
//if this callback returns an array, the array will be used as the $response to $interceptor->intercept();
//use it for client side caching in order to have millisecond responses to search engines
//the after_intercept callback can be used to store the snapshot from SnapSearch as a client side cached resource
//this is of course optional as SnapSearch caches your snapshot as well!
$interceptor->before_intercept(function($url) use ($cache){

    //get cache from redis/filesystem..etc
    //returned value should array if successful or boolean false if cache did not exist
    return $cache->get($url); 
})->after_intercept(function($url, $response) use ($cache){

    //the cached time should be less then the cached time you passed to SnapSearch, we recommend half the SnapSearch cachetime
    $time = '12hrs';
    $cache->store($url, $response, $time);

//exceptions should be ignored in production, but during development you can check it for validation errors

    $response = $interceptor->intercept();

}catch(SnapSearchClientPHP\SnapSearchException $e){}


    //this request is from a robot

    //status code
    header(' ', true, $response['status']); //as of PHP 5.4, you can use http_response_code($response['status']);
    //the complete $response['headers'] is not returned to the search engine due to potential content or transfer encoding issues, except for the potential location header, which is used when there is an HTTP redirect
        foreach($response['headers'] as $header){
            if(strtolower($header['name']) == 'location'){
                header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value']);
    echo $response['html'];


    //this request is not from a robot
    //continue with normal operations...


###Stack PHP Usage

Stack PHP is a HTTP Kernel Middleware Layer Framework for PHP similar to Ruby Rack or Node Connect. The below example uses PHP 5.4 code.

$app =  //HTTP Kernel core controller

$stack = (new \Stack\Builder)->push(
    new Interceptor(
        new Client('email', 'key'), 
        new Detector
        //before interception callback (optional and chainable)
    })->after_intercept(function($url, $response){
        //after interception callback (optional and chainable)
    function(array $response){

        //this callback is completely optional, it allows you to customise your response
        //the $response array comes from SnapSearch and contains [(string) 'status', (array) 'headers', (string) 'html']

        //remember $response['headers'] is in this format:
        //    [
        //        'name'  => 'Location',
        //        'value' => ''
        //    ]
        //it's an array of arrays which contain name and value properties

        //it's recommended to not pass through all of the headers, due to possible encoding problems
        //your server will already output the necessary headers anyway
        //however we are passing through the location header if it exists
        $headers = array_filter($response['headers'], function($header){
            if(strtolower($header['name']) == 'location'){
                return true;
            return false;

        return [
            'status'    => $response['status'],
            'headers'   => $headers,
            'html'      => $response['html']

    function($exception, $request){

        //this is the exception callback and it's completely optional
        //it will only be called if a SnapSearchException is raised
        //which only happens if SnapSearch's servers are temporarily offline
        //if there is an exception, this middleware will simply pass to the next layer
        //if you want to stop and inspect or log the actual exception, this is where you can do it


$app = $stack->resolve($app);

$request  = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $app->handle($request)->send();
$app->terminate($request, $response);
//or just do this if you have Stack\run

The $check_file_extensions boolean for the Detector constructor is available for applications that might serve static files. Usually the HTTP server serves up static files and these requests never get proxied to the application, this is why by default this boolean is false. However in cases where it does serve up static files, you can switch this to true to prevent static files routes from being intercepted.

It can be more efficient or easier to blacklist routes which lead to static files instead. This has the advantage of allowing you to prevent routes that go to binary resources which may not end in specific file extensions. Such as streaming audio/video.

SnapSearchClientPHP can of course be used in other areas such as javascript enhanced scraping, so it doesn't force you to put it at the entry point if you're using it for other purposes. In that case just use the SnapSearchPHP\Client to send requests to the SnapSearch API.


SnapSearch-Client-PHP uses the Symfony HTTP Foundation Request Object as an abstraction of the HTTP request. This allows you considerable flexibility and constructing the HTTP request especially when you're behind a reverse proxy such as a load balancer. If you are behind a reverse proxy, certain information such as the request protocol is not where it is normally. You can configure the Symfony HTTP Foundation Request Object to handle these edge cases, and simply pass your instance into the Detector. See this for more information:


Install/update dependencies with composer:

composer update

Make your changes, synchronise, then create a new tag:

git push
git push --tags

Packagist is integrated in the Github Service Hooks, it will automatically release the new package.


Unit tests are written using Codeception. Codeception has already been bootstrapped (codecept bootstrap). To run tests use codecept run or codecept run --debug for debug messages. If you change the Codeception configuration files or add extra functions to the helpers make sure to run codecept build so that the settings take effect.