Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Base classes and interfaces for building Snappy apps.
601 1
Campaign Monitor integration for Snappy.
243 1
Snappy application to add new contacts to Constant Contact.
242 0
Convert Snappy tickets into Github issues.
268 1
Highrise integration for Snappy.
254 0
Notify HipChat with tickets or wall posts.
250 0
Snappy application for turning tickets into Jira issues.
235 1
Mailchimp integration for Snappy.
245 0
Mixpanel metrics for Snappy.
243 0
PHP SDK for the
8 041 9
Lookup contact information using a custom, remote URL.
241 0
Snappy FAQ themes.
263 0 metrics for Snappy.
235 0