
Crontab Task management tools

v1.1 2020-04-25 08:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 03:00:22 UTC


#A lightweight crontab task management tool

.env configuration file

[TASK_CONFIG] //Whether the command line outputs error messages
DEAMON = false
TASK_NAMESPACE = '\SnanWord\TaskTool\task\'  settion your task namespace
MODE = 'think' //If thinkphp class library is used in the task, please add this item, otherwise do not add

[REDIS] //redis configuration file
host =
password = 'sxsaio!2js'
port = 23904
database = 1

[TASK_LIST] //All tasks must be added to this configuration item in this format
auto_receipt_task = 1
test_task => 0

Make Task

1:Write Task code


namespace SnanWord\TaskTool\task;
use SnanWord\TaskTool\basis\TaskAbstract;

class AutoReceiptTask extends TaskAbstract
     * run
     * @des    task run code
     * @return mixed|void
     * @author Snan
    public function run()
        // TODO: Implement run() method.

     * setCrontab
     * @des    setting crontab rule
     * @return array
     * @author Snan
    public function setCrontab()
        return ['*','0','*','*','*'];//[Minute, hour, day, month, week]

2:Enter the following command at the command line to initialize

php vendor/snanword/task_tools/src/bin/snantask.php init
After the initialization is complete, the snantask.php file will be generated in the root directory of your project

3:start task

    php snantask.php start
    task test_task is not started 
    Task list status: 
    | task_name:auto_receipt_task| task_class:\SnanWord\TaskTool\task\AutoReceiptTask| status:run 
    | task_name:test_task| status:stop 

4:add task The task can also be delivered after the start task

  Add your new task under the TASK_LIST configuration in the .env file, and then execute the following command

  php snantask.php add {Your new task}

5:closs task

   php snantask.php stop              //Close all
   php snantask.php stop {your task}  //Close one

6:show list

    php snantask.php list
    Task list status: 
    | task_name:auto_receipt_task| task_class:\SnanWord\TaskTool\task\AutoReceiptTask| status:run 
    | task_name:test_task| status:stop 