
SDK for all SMSFIRE services

1.3.0 2021-11-22 19:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 01:18:38 UTC


Version Total Downloads PHP Version Require



You can install php-sdk via composer or by downloading the source.


php-sdk is available on Packagist as the smsfire/php-sdk package:

composer require smsfire/php-sdk

SMS Services

The reference of this service can be found here

💬 Messages Service
📬 Inbox Service
☑️ Status Service

Namespace - Smsfire\Sms\Messages

This namespace allows you to send SMS messages.

Receiving messages (MO)

When you set as true the allowReply param on sendIndividual() or sendBulk() messaging methods, your account may have additional costs per each received message. Contact your account manager to know more about it.

Flash messages - Class 0

The flash param depends of route that were settled on your account as well of each carrier's availability for this feature. Contact your account manager to know more about it.

Send individual message - sendIndividual()

Access the reference docs to check the data response and the details of each parameter of this method.

Guide of available parameters on this method

Param Type Description Condition Required
to string Phone at international syntax Max of 15 characters
text string SMS message Max of 765 characters
from string Remitent of sms Max of 11 characters
customId string Set your own id Max of 40 characters
campaignId int Merge messages into existent campaign -
flash bool Send message on flash mode - Check availability Default: false
allowReply bool Allow gateway to capture reply from your messages Default: false
scheduleTime string Schedule message on given datetime Datetime ISO8601
debug bool Debug API request Default: false


//Load composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Smsfire\Sms\Messages;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\SmsfireException;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\HttpException;

try {

    $user = 'myuser'; //Same user that is used to access Dashboard
    $pass = 'mypass'; //Same password that is used to access Dashboard
    $token = base64_encode("{$user}:{$pass}");   

     * Pass base64 token on Message instance
     * Check guide table of params
    $messagesService = new Messages($token);
    $response = $messagesService->sendIndividual(

     * Response as raw text
     * Good to use when Debug option is true
    echo $response;

    //Response with the statusCode of Http response
    echo $response->statusCode();

    //Response as json string
    echo $response->__toJson();

    //Response as object

    //Response as array

} catch (SmsfireException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Send bulk messages - sendBulk()

Access the reference docs to check the data response and the details of each parameter of this method.

Guide of available parameters on this method

Param Type Description Condition Required
destinations array Array of destinations to message Min of 2 items and Max of 1000 items
destinations[*].to string Phone at international syntax Max of 15 characters
destinations[*].text string SMS message Max of 765 characters
destinations[*].from string Remitent of SMS Max of 11 characters
destinations[*].customId string Set your own id Max of 40 characters
destinations[*].flash bool Send message on flash mode - Check availability Default: false
allowReply bool Allow gateway to capture reply from your messages Default: false
scheduleTime string Schedule message on given datetime Datetime ISO8601
debug bool Debug API request Default: false


//Load composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Smsfire\Sms\Messages;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\SmsfireException;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\HttpException;

try {

    $user = 'myuser'; //Same user that is used to access Dashboard
    $pass = 'mypass'; //Same password that is used to access Dashboard
    $token = base64_encode("{$user}:{$pass}");   

    //Pass base64 token on Message instance
    $messagesService = new Messages($token);

    //Minimum of two items to use Bulk request
    $destinations = [
        'to' => '5511944556677',
        'text' => 'My first message',
        'customId' => 'abc-00001',
        'flash' => true
        'to' => '5565988887777',
        'text' => 'My second message'

    $response = $messagesService->sendBulk(

     * Response as raw text
     * Good to use when Debug option is true
    echo $response;

    //Response with the statusCode of Http response
    echo $response->statusCode();

    //Response as json string
    echo $response->__toJson();

    //Response as object

    //Response as array

} catch (SmsfireException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Namespace - Smsfire\Sms\Inbox

This namespace allows you to get received messages from your sms inbox.

Access the reference docs to check the data response and the details of each parameter of this method.

The statusCode 204 will be given when your inbox has no messages. REF. 204 No Content

Get all messages - getAll()


//Load composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Smsfire\Sms\Inbox;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\SmsfireException;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\HttpException;

try {

    $debug = false;    //Debug API request - DEFAULT: false
    $user  = 'myuser'; //Same user that is used to access Dashboard
    $pass  = 'mypass'; //Same password that is used to access Dashboard
    $token = base64_encode("{$user}:{$pass}");   

     * Pass base64 token on Inbox instance
     * Check guide table of params
    $inboxServices = new Inbox($token);
    $response = $inboxServices->getAll($debug);

     * Response as raw text
     * Good to use when Debug option is true
    echo $response;

    //Response with the statusCode of Http response
    echo $response->statusCode();

    //Response as json string
    echo $response->__toJson();

    //Response as object

    //Response as array

    //Handle empty inbox
    if($response->statusCode() === 204) {
      echo "Empty inbox";

} catch (SmsfireException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Due API limitations this method will expose the last 100 received messages of your inbox. For more, access the Portal SMSFire and access it on menu SMS > Inbox

Get unread messages - getUnread()


//Load composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Smsfire\Sms\Inbox;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\SmsfireException;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\HttpException;

try {

    $debug = false;    //Debug API request - DEFAULT: false
    $user  = 'myuser'; //Same user that is used to access Dashboard
    $pass  = 'mypass'; //Same password that is used to access Dashboard
    $token = base64_encode("{$user}:{$pass}");   

     * Pass base64 token on Inbox instance
     * Check guide table of params
    $inboxServices = new Inbox($token);
    $response = $inboxServices->getUnread($debug);

     * Response as raw text
     * Good to use when Debug option is true
    echo $response;

    //Response with the statusCode of Http response
    echo $response->statusCode();

    //Response as json string
    echo $response->__toJson();

    //Response as object

    //Response as array

    //Handle empty inbox
    if($response->statusCode() === 204) {
      echo "Empty inbox";

} catch (SmsfireException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Namespace - Smsfire\Sms\Status

This namespace allows you to get messages status by id or given customId

Access the reference docs to check the data response and the details of each parameter of this method.

The statusCode 204 will be given when given id or customId does not exist. REF. 204 No Content

Get messages status by id - messageIds()

Guide of available parameters on this method

Param Type Description Condition Required
ids string String with messages ids (Comma separated) Min of 1 and max of 200 Ids
debug bool Debug API request Default: false


//Load composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Smsfire\Sms\Status;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\SmsfireException;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\HttpException;

try {

    $user  = 'myuser'; //Same user that is used to access Dashboard
    $pass  = 'mypass'; //Same password that is used to access Dashboard
    $token = base64_encode("{$user}:{$pass}");   

     * Pass base64 token on Status instance
     * Check guide table of params
    $messagesStatus = new Status($token);
    $ids = "000001,000002,000003"; //Messages ids - Comma separated
    $response = $messagesStatus->messageIds($ids, $debug);

     * Response as raw text
     * Good to use when Debug option is true
    echo $response;

    //Response with the statusCode of Http response
    echo $response->statusCode();

    //Response as json string
    echo $response->__toJson();

    //Response as object

    //Response as array

    //Handle empty result
    if($response->statusCode() === 204) {
      echo "Message id does not exist";

} catch (SmsfireException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Due API limitations this method will accepts the maximum of 200 messages ids. For more, access the Portal SMSFire and access it on menu SMS > Reports

Get messages status by customId - customIds()

Guide of available parameters on this method

Param Type Description Condition Required
customIds string String with custom id of messages (Comma separated) Min of 1 and max of 200 custom ids
debug bool Debug API request Default: false


//Load composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Smsfire\Sms\Status;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\SmsfireException;
use Smsfire\Exceptions\HttpException;

try {

    $user  = 'myuser'; //Same user that is used to access Dashboard
    $pass  = 'mypass'; //Same password that is used to access Dashboard
    $token = base64_encode("{$user}:{$pass}");   

     * Pass base64 token on Status instance
     * Check guide table of params
    $messagesStatus = new Status($token);
    $customIds = "myid0001,myid000002,myid000003"; //Custom ids - Comma separated
    $response = $messagesStatus->customIds($customIds, $debug);

     * Response as raw text
     * Good to use when Debug option is true
    echo $response;

    //Response with the statusCode of Http response
    echo $response->statusCode();

    //Response as json string
    echo $response->__toJson();

    //Response as object

    //Response as array

    //Handle empty result
    if($response->statusCode() === 204) {
      echo "Custom id does not exist";

} catch (SmsfireException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Namespace - Smsfire\Exceptions

Custom exceptions that allows you a better error handling.


This will be thrown when any SDK required types and data were not meet.


This will be thrown when the core API has some request problem as timeout or bad data for example.