
Easy type control for static analysis

v3.1.1 2024-03-13 16:42 UTC


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Do you fight mixed signatures when performing static analysis?

Smpita/TypeAs will give you easy control of your typing.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require smpita/typeas


Please see SIGNATURES for the list of current methods and signatures.

General Usage


Pass a $mixed and it will throw a TypeAsResolutionException if the $mixed can't be cast.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::string($mixed);

If you want to suppress throwing exceptions, provide a default.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::string($mixed, '');

The Class Method


class() has a slightly different signature because you need to specify the class you are expecting.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::class(Target::class, $mixed);

You can still provide a default.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::class(Target::class, $mixed, new \StdClass);

Note: In versions prior to v2.0.0 the signature had a different order.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::class($mixed, Target::class, $default);

The Array Method


By default, array() will wrap non-iterables similar to (array) $mixed instead of throwing exceptions.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

TypeAs::array('example') === ['example'];

That might not always be appropriate, so you can turn wrapping off to get exceptions.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::array($mixed, false);

Or you may supply a default.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

$typed = TypeAs::array($mixed, []);


Starting in v2.3.0 if you would prefer to receive null instead of having an exception thrown, each type method has a nullable counterpart.

use Smpita\TypeAs\TypeAs;

TypeAs::nullableString(new \stdClass) === null



Starting in v2.4.0 you can specify your own custom resolvers.

Each type has an associated interface located in Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts which you can implement to make your own resolvers.

Simply implement the interface, then either register the resolver or use it in the resolver method.


  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\ArrayResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\BoolResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\ClassResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\FloatResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\IntResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\NullableArrayResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\NullableClassResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\NullableFloatResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\NullableIntResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\NullableStringResolver
  • Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\StringResolver

Creating Custom Resolvers

use Smpita\TypeAs\Contracts\StringResolver;

class CustomStringResolver implements StringResolver
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
    public function resolve(mixed $value, string $default = null): string
        // Your logic here

Registering Custom Resolvers


To globally register a resolver, use the associated setter method. In Laravel, it's recommended to do this in the boot method of a ServiceProvider.

TypeAs::setStringResolver(new CustomStringResolver);

Single use

$typed = Smpita\TypeAs::string($mixed, null, new CustomStringResolver);

Unregistering Custom Resolvers

To return to default, simply set the resolver to null.


To return all resolvers to default, you can leverage the useDefaultResolvers().


If you registered a custom resolver and want to use the default resolver on a single use basis, passing null to the resolver method will not work. You must pass the default resolver.

$typed = Smpita\TypeAs::string($mixed, null, new \Smpita\TypeAs\Resolvers\AsString);



Starting in v2.5.0 resolver methods have an associated helper method located in the Smpita\TypeAs namespace. The helper method names follow the TypeAs method names, but are prepended by as and are camelCased.

use function Smpita\TypeAs\asString;

$typed = asString($mixed);




composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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