
Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 15:56:55 UTC


Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp

Let's make it easier for your customers to contact you! Probably most of your users are using Whatsapp, so its time to give them the option to contact you by using Whatsapp.

With 'Whatsapp - Contact Us' you can add a small icon on the bottom-right corner with you phone number and short message as "Contact us" or "message us" etc. When user click on the icon - new tab will be pop with Whatsapp for web and chat window with you.

This plugin adds Whatsapp button on your sylius website. You can configure whatsapp buttons per sale channel.



This installation instruction assumes that you're using Symfony Flex.

  1. Require the plugin using composer

    composer require smartarget/sylius-smartarget-whatsapp-contact-us-plugin --no-scripts
  2. Add to config/bundles.php

    Smartarget\SyliusSmartargetWhatsappContactUsPlugin\SmartargetSyliusSmartargetWhatsappContactUsPlugin::class => ['all' => true]
  3. Create config/packages/smartarget_sylius_smartarget_whatsapp_contact_us_plugin.yaml file with content

        - { resource: "@SmartargetSyliusSmartargetWhatsappContactUsPlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
  4. Create config/routes/smartarget_sylius_smartarget_whatsapp_contact_us_plugin.yaml file with content

       resource: "@SmartargetSyliusSmartargetWhatsappContactUsPlugin/Resources/config/routing/admin.yaml"
       prefix: /admin
  5. Generate & Run Doctrine migrations

    ./bin/console doctrine:migration:diff
    ./bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
  6. Clear cache

    bin/console cache:clear

How it works

Go to Whatsapp - Contact Us section in your admin panel and add new Whatsapp button(s)! Don't forget to enable new Whatsapp button and toggle specific sales chanel.


You could use this plugin to:

  • Turn visitors into leads.
  • Doing customers support.

Use Smartarget Integration to change button position and popup message.


For any questions visit