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Laravel 5,1 Languagefile checker

1.0.0 2015-10-08 18:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 19:22:36 UTC


Simple Laravel Artisan command to check your language files for inconsistencies.

What it does

Transchecker checks your languagefiles and can report the following errors:

  • missing language files
  • missing entries
  • empty entries


Install through Composer:

Then add the Transchecker serviceprovider to the your app config:

providers' => [


Languagefiles needs to be in the resources/lang directory.


Run the check by executing the following artisan command:

php artisan lang:check

Sample output

>> php artisan lang:check
Languages found: en, nl
Namespaces found: auth, pagination, passwords, validation
Checking files...
There is 1 missing file:
| Language | Namespace  |
| nl       | validation |
There are 4 missing entries:
| Language | Namespace  | Entry    | Error   |
| nl       | pagination | previous | Missing |
| nl       | pagination | next     | Missing |
| en       | passwords  | sent     | Empty   |
| nl       | passwords  | token    | Missing |
Finished with 5 errors

Still todo...

  • Adding support for deeply nested arrays
  • Crosschecking parameters and pluralizations
  • Add ready-to-use unittesting possibilities
  • Add more comments in the sourcecode...
  • Add support for vendor languagefiles