
Simple isolated command handler library.

v1.2 2016-10-07 20:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 00:35:52 UTC


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Install from composer:

$ composer require skillberto/command-handler "~1.0"

Authors and contributors


The following example show you how you can us it:

use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Skillberto\CommandHandler\CommandHandler;
use Skillberto\CommandHandler\Command;

$output = new ConsoleOutput();
$handler = new CommandHandler($output);
$handler->add( 'some commands' );

... or

$handler->addCommand(new Command('some commands'));

You can define collections too:

$handler->addCollection(array('some commands'));

... or

$handler->addCommands(array(new Command('some commands')));

If you want to skip a command if it's not required:

$handler->addSkippable('some commands');

... or

$handler->addCommand(new Command('some commands', false));

... or add more commands

$handler->addSkippableCollection( array( 'some commands' ) );

... or

$handler->addCommands(array(new Command('some commands', false)));


...after that you can get these commands:


But, if you don't skip a command, and it's not successful:


Advanced usage


The following example show you have can you use the prefix:


$handler = new CommandHandler($output, "php ");

... or

$handler = new CommandHandler($output);
$handler->addPrefix("php ");

... then


In this case, you will execute php --version.


It can be defined for each command, or only for some commands, or both of them.

$handler = new CommandHandler($output, "", 0.2);

... or

$handler = new CommandHandler($output);

... then

$handler->addCommand(new Command("php --version", true, 0.3);

In the previous example every command will have "0.2 seconds" for execution, except php --version, it has got "0.3 seconds".

Let's see how can you define group timeout:

$handler = new CommandHandler($output);
$handler->addCollection(array('some command'));
$handler->addCollection(array('some command'));

In this example the first collection have "0.2 seconds", the second "0.3 seconds".

Handler injection, merge

In some case, we need to define more then one handler, eg.: for different prefixes. But don't worry about it, we have got a useful method:


It's good, but what will be with prefixes and timeout? For these problems, CommandHandler has got three different merge types: MERGE_ALL, MERGE_NON, MERGE_NOT_DEFINED The default is MERGE_NON, but you can change it:

$handler_1->addHandler($handler_2, CommandHandler::MERGE_ALL, CommandHandler::MERGE_NOT_DEFINED);

In the previous example prefix merge has got MERGE_ALL type, timeout has got MERGE_NOT_DEFINED type. MERGE_ALL means that $handler_1 prefix / timeout will use for all of them. MERGE_NOT_DEFINED means that $handler_1 prefix / timeout will use, if it's not defined for $handler_2 command(s). MERGE_NON means that prefixes and timeouts will be separated.


You can define a callback for each execution:

use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Skillberto\CommandHandler\Command;

$handler->execute(function(Progress $progress, Command $command) {
   //something more