
The simplest REST ACL, yet.

1.0.0 2016-06-22 17:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 17:02:11 UTC


Simplest ACL build, ever.

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How to install

Run composer require skibish/simple-rest-acl

Idea and motivation

Configure ACL by routes and methods as simply as possible.

How to use it

First, you will need to create acl.yml file. Which can look like this:

  roles: ['role1' ,'role2' ,'role3']
  GET: ['role1' ,'role2']
  POST: all
  PUT: none

In your code you start ACL as follows:

$availableListOfRolesToUser = ['role1' ,'role2' ,'role3'];
$httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

$acl = new \Skibish\SimpleRestAcl\ACL(__DIR__ . '/config/acl.yml', new \Skibish\SimpleRestAcl\Validator($availableListOfRolesToUser));

$acl->got($httpMethod, $uri)->verify();

And you are ready to go!

acl.yml file configuration

File has following possibilities:

/users:                   # route as for resource or regex (see explanation below).
  roles:                  # array of roles available for current resource or 'public' string (mandatory).
  type:                   # 'resource' (default, see explanation below) or 'strict' string. If strict is set - only if route is matched it will check methods.
  GET: ['role1' ,'role2'] # method and array of roles that can access it
  POST: all               # or string, that all roles defined in 'roles' will apply for current method
  PUT: none               # or this route is not accessible with any role by current method
  DELETE: ['role3'] 

Better way to understand thing is using examples.


Example #1

Assume, we have following configuration:

  roles: ['role1' ,'role2' ,'role3']
  GET: ['role1' ,'role2']
  POST: all
  PUT: none

And we have request GET /photos/12 and available role is role1. It will match, because default type is resource. If type is resource it will match following routes:

  • /photos
  • /photos/new
  • /photos/{id}
  • /photos/{id}/edit
  • /photos/{id}

And in GET we specified array of two roles role1 and role2. Available role is role1 and it is in array. So, method verify() in this case will return true.

Example #2

Assume, we have following configuration:

  type: strict
  roles: [1, 2, 3]
  GET: [1]

Behind the scenes ACL uses nikic/FastRoute to match the routes. Thus you can use regex in route definition. But in this case don't forget to set type to strict.

In this case only routes that have digit after /strict part will match. If we pass GET /strict/foo, method verify() will return false. If GET /strict/42 - it will be true.


Third parameter in ACL constructor is array of options. Currently there are two options:

  • cacheFile - path to cache file. Example: __DIR__.'/cache/acl-cache.php'. This configuration will cache your configuration. If you need to update cache, just delete the cache file.
  • resourceRegex - regex for type resource. By default regex is [/{id:\d+|new}[/edit]]. If you want it to match RESTful Resource Controllers, as example, overwrite this option with [/{id:\d+|create}[/edit]].

Code snippet:

$availableListOfRolesToUser = ['role1' ,'role2' ,'role3'];
$httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

$acl = new \Skibish\SimpleRestAcl\ACL(__DIR__ . '/config/acl.yml', new \Skibish\SimpleRestAcl\Validator($availableListOfRolesToUser, [
    'cacheFile'     => __DIR__ . '/cache/acl-cache.php',
    'resourceRegex' => '[/{id:\d+|create}[/edit]]',

$acl->got($httpMethod, $uri)->verify();


If you need to log something from this library, you can use PSR-3 compatible loggers.

$availableListOfRolesToUser = ['role1' ,'role2' ,'role3'];
$httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

$acl = new \Skibish\SimpleRestAcl\ACL(__DIR__ . '/config/acl.yml', new \Skibish\SimpleRestAcl\Validator($availableListOfRolesToUser));

$acl->setLogger(new Logger());

$acl->got($httpMethod, $uri)->verify();

Missing roles

If you need to know, what roles are missing, use $acl->getMissingRoles(). It will return array of missing roles.


If you see, that something can be improved, feel free to submit a pull request.