
Router component for bitrix

1.5.14 2019-01-21 13:13 UTC


Router component for bitrix


copy vendor/skalar/router/examples/router folder into your namespace (example /local/components/skalar)

configure .htaccess redirects to index.php

call component in index.php: $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent( "skalar:router", "", [ 'BASE_URL' => '/path' ], false ); example vendor/skalar/router/examples/root/index.php params: BASE_URL - routing folder (optional) you also add rule to urlrewrite.php array ( 'CONDITION' => '#^/path/#', 'ID' => NULL, 'PATH' => '/path/index.php', 'SORT' => 90, ),

Routing basic on the components symfony "symfony/http-foundation" and "symfony/routing", for more information read documentation for these packages.

Work with templates .default (or another template).


Routes configure config/routes.yaml. Controllers must extends Skalar\Controller\PublicController and have namespace Skalar\Controller. They should be located in the folder "controllers". All controller actions receive 2 params: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request and array $state. You can get any request arguments: $request->get("param"); All controllers return array $state. You can set headers in controller use protected property "headers" - Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag. You can set response status use controller method setStatus() By default router response is json. You can override controller the getRender() method. It returns a closure that renders content. Closure get 2 arguments: array $state and string $url, return string content;


Middleware calling before any public controller action. Example in folder middleware. Middleware class must have only one method __invoke(). This method work like controller action.


api has its own routing. You must extends Skalar\Routing\AbstractApi and implement method getRoutes(). Your class must be located in api folder. skalar/router have two implemented APIs: rest and graphQl (Skalar/Api/Rest and Skalar/Api/GraphQl). You can take them as a basis for implementing your APIs.


Work folder rest. All rest controller have two methods get and post. They take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. Use $request->get('param1') and $request->get('param2'). Route for rest is like /rest/test/{param1}/ where test is name of controller in lowercase. You can override rest api in the folder api in your class extends Skalar/Api/Rest or directly Skalar\Routing\AbstractApi.


Work folder graphql. Route /graphql/. In folder graphql located two basic type. Another types must be realized as these. Type - is class which extends GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType or another. It must have namespace Skalar\Type. It include in other type as Skalar\GraphQL\Types::catalog() where catalog is name of class type in lowercase. For more information, read the documentation for the package "webonyx/graphql-php"