
Test any Private/Protected Methods/Properties of any class

1.0.5 2015-05-31 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 20:41:30 UTC


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Test your Private/Protected Methods/Properties with any testing package and with Zero configuration.

New: Can reflect multiple classes at same time.


Step 1: Install Through Composer

composer require skagarwal/reflection --dev

Step 2: Import the trait

Import the SKAgarwal\Reflection\ReflectableTrait in your TestClass of any package. Eg: PhpUnit, PhpSpec, Laracasts\Integrated.

For PhpUnit

use SKAgarwal\Reflection\ReflectableTrait

class ModelTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
  use ReflectableTrait;

And That's it. You are all set to go. :)

Now you can do the following to test private/protected methods or properties:

Instantiate the Reflector

By using reflect() method like this:

$randomClass = new RandomClass();

This Method is not chainable
Note: Its preferable to use this in constructor or for PhpUnit in setUp() method etc.

By using on() method like this:

$randomClass = new RandomClass();
$this->on($randomClass)->call($method, $args = []);

This method is chainable **Note: **This method relfects the class object only once. That is only for one call to method or property. It can be used for relfecting multiple classes at same time.

Available Methods


Description: Reflect the Class Object


Description: Reflect the Class Object. This is Chainable Method.
Possible Chaining:

$this->on($classObject)->callMethod($arguments = []);
$this->on($classObject)->call($method, $arguments = []);

#### call($method, $arguments = []); **Description:** Call any valid public/Private/Protected Method of reflected Class Object. This is not Chainable Method.

#### call{Method}($arguments = []); **Description:** Same as `call()` but dynamically calls the method. This is not Chainable Method.
{method} Can be any valid public/private/protected method of reflected Class Object.

#### get($property); **Description:** Get the value of any valid Public/Private/Protected property of the reflected Class Object. This is not Chainable Method.

#### get{Property}; **Description:** Same as `get()` but dynamically gets the value of the property. This is not Chainable Method.
{property} Can be any valid Public/Private/Protected property of the reflected Class Object.

#### set($name, $value); **Description:** Set the value of valid Public/Private/Protected property of the reflected Class Object. This is not Chainable Method.

#### set{Property} = $value; **Description:** Same as `set()` but dynamically sets the value of the property. This is not Chainable Method.
{property} Can be any valid Public/Private/Protected property of the reflected Class Object.

Reflect Multiple classes at same time


// Considering phpunit

 protected function setUp()
    $this->foo = new Foo();

  public function test_something()
    $hello = $this->callSayHello(); // this will call SayHello() of class `Foo`
    $this->assertEquals('Hello', $hello);

    $hello = $this->on(new FooBar())->callSayHello(); // this will call SayHello() of class `FooBar`
    $this->assertEquals('Hello FooBar', $hello);

    $hello = $this->callSayHello(); // this will call SayHello() of class `Foo`
    $this->assertEquals('Hello', $hello);