
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the "Laravel 7 Http::fake()" package instead.

A Laravel specific wrapper around Guzzle that makes it easy to mock responses

1.4.2 2020-12-21 09:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-12-07 19:45:49 UTC


As of version 7, Laravel now includes an HTTP class that makes it easy to mock guzzle responses.

Migrating from Gobble to the new HTTP facade isn't too difficult, for example:

// old

// new


A Laravel specific wrapper around Guzzle that makes it easy to mock responses.


composer require sjorso/gobble


You can use the Gobble facade in your code to make requests with Guzzle. The Gobble facade proxies all method calls to GuzzleHttp\Client:

use SjorsO\Gobble\Facades\Gobble;

$response = Gobble::get('');

Mocking responses

When writing tests, you can fake Gobble to make it use Guzzle's built-in mock handler. When Gobble is faked you can use it to push responses to the mock handler stack:

use SjorsO\Gobble\Facades\Gobble as Guzzle;

class CatFactController
    public function create()
        $response = Guzzle::get('');

        $json = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);

            'fact' => $json['fact'],
/** @test */
function it_can_create_a_cat_fact()
    Gobble::fake()->pushJson(['fact' => 'Cats are great!']);


    $this->assertSame('Cats are great!', CatFact::firstOrFail()->fact);

When Gobble is faked, you can use the following methods to push fake responses to the mock handler stack:


Gobble::pushEmptyResponse($status = 200, $headers = []);

Gobble::pushString($string, $status = 200, $headers = []);

Gobble::pushJson(array $data, $status = 200, $headers = []);

Gobble::pushFile($filePath, $status = 200, $headers = []);

You can also make Gobble automatically push an empty response to the response stack when a request is made. This is useful in some situations, and prevents your log from filling up with "Mock queue is empty" errors:


Gobble offers two methods to assert the amount of responses in the mock handler queue:



Request history

When Gobble is faked, it uses Guzzle's built-in history middleware to keep track of all requests made. Request history entries are wrapped in a RequestHistory class to add a handful of useful assertions, and to improve IDE auto-completion.

/** @test */
function it_makes_a_call_to_the_cat_fact_api()


    $history = Gobble::requestHistory();

    $this->assertCount(1, $history);


You can use the lastRequest() method to get the last request made with Gobble:

/** @test */
function it_is_an_example_in_the_readme()

    $response = Gobble::get('');

    $lastRequest = Gobble::lastRequest();

    // $response === $lastRequest->response

The RequestHistory class offers the following assertions:

public function assertRequestBodyExact($expected);

public function assertRequestBodyJson(array $data, $strict = false);

public function assertRequestBodyExactJson(array $data);

public function assertRequestBodyContains($string);

public function assertRequestBodyDoesntContain($string);

public function assertRequestUri($expected);

public function assertRequestHeaderPresent($key);

public function assertRequestHeaderMissing($key);

public function assertRequestHeader($key, $expected);

Guzzle configuration

For every call made the GuzzleWrapper resolves a GuzzleHttp\Client from the container. If GuzzleHttp\Client is not bound in the container a new Guzzle client is created. You can bind the Guzzle client in the container to configure it:

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind(\GuzzleHttp\Client::class, function () {
            return new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['timeout' => 5, 'connect_timeout' => 5]);

    public function boot()


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license