
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the lyhty/macros package instead.

Helpful macros for your Laravel project.

v1.3.2 2022-07-15 18:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-07-17 10:02:05 UTC



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This package provides some additional, convenient macros for you to use with your Laravel project.


Install the package with Composer:

composer require sirmathays/convenient-laravel-macros

The package registers itself automatically.


Here's a brief documentation on the macros the package provides.


Select the key of the model in the query (uses Model's getKey method).

$query = User::query()->selectKey();

$query->toSql() // "select `id` from `users`"

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::whereLike & orWhereLike

$query = User::query()
    ->whereLike('name', 'Matti Suo', 'right')
    ->orWhereLike('name', 'ranie');
    ->orWhereLike('name', 'mi', 'left');

$query->toSql(); // "select * from `users` where (`name` LIKE ?) or (`name` LIKE ?) or (`name` LIKE ?)"
// First ? being "Matti Suo%", second "%ranie%" and third "%mi"

$query = User::query()->whereLike('', 'Apex Leg', 'right');

// select * from `users` where (exists (select * from `games` where `users`.`id` = `games`.`user_id` and `name` LIKE ?))
// ? being "Apex Leg%"


Add raw select statements as an array, instead of as a one ugly string (selectRaw).

$query = User::query()->selectRawArr([
    'concat(`id`, "-", `name`) as id_name'
    'concat(`email`, "-", `name`) as email_name'

$query->first()->toArray() // ["id_name" => "1-Matti", "email_name" => ""]

// VS

$query = User::query()->selectRaw('concat(`id`, "-", `name`) as id_name, concat(`email`, "-", `name`) as email_name');


Merge multiple arrays/collections to the collection in one go.

$data = new Collection([1,2,3]);

$data->mergeMany([4], [5], [6]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


Pluck several keys from the collection items.

$data = User::query()->get();

$data->pluckMany('id', 'name')->toArray(); // [["id" => 1, "name" => "Matti Suoraniemi"]]


Filter classes and/or objects that extend the given class.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

$data = new Collection([

$data->whereExtends(Model::class)->count(); // 4


Filter classes and/or objects that implement the given interface.

use App\Contracts\PlayableOnConsole;

$data = new Collection([

$data->whereImplements(PlayableOnConsole::class)->toArray(); // ["App\Models\Game"]


Filter classes and/or objects that use the given trait.

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;

$data = new Collection([

$data->whereUses(Notifiable::class)->toArray(); // ["App\Models\User"]


Converts an array into a fully associative array by converting any values with an integer key to the value being the key filled with the given fill value. Values that have a string key already won't be touched.

Arr::associate(['foo']) // ["foo" => null]
Arr::associate(['foo', 'bar' => []], []) // ["foo" => [], "bar" => []]
Arr::associate(['foo', 'bar' => []], fn () => Arr::random(['foo', 'bar'])) // ["foo" => "foo", "bar" => []]
Arr::associate([fn () => Str::reverse('foo'), 'bar' => []]) // ["oof" => null, "bar" => []]


Similar to array_combine, but allows to have more keys than values. Keys without value will be set as null.

Arr::combine(['foo', 'zoo'], ["bar", "gar"]) // ["foo" => "bar", "zoo" => "gar"]
Arr::combine(['foo', 'zoo'], ["bar"]) // ["foo" => "bar", "zoo" => null]


Fills given keys with given value. You can also set that only keys that already exist in the array can become filled. In other words, if the key foo is to be filled with value bar, but the key foo doesn't already exist in the array, the array will remain unchanged.

$array = ['foo' => 'bar', 'zoo' => 'gar'];

Arr::fillKeys($array, ['foo', 'zoo'], null) // ["foo" => null, "zoo" => null]
Arr::fillKeys($array, ['foo', 'zoo', 'boo'], null) // ["foo" => null, "zoo" => null, "boo" => null]
Arr::fillKeys($array, ['foo', 'zoo', 'boo'], null, true) // ["foo" => null, "zoo" => null]


Collection's nice join method brought to Arr.

Arr::join(['foo', 'bar', 'zoo'], ', ', ' and ') // "foo, bar and zoo"


Zips the key and value together with the given zipper.

Arr::zip(['foo' => 'bar', 'zoo' => 'gar'], ':') // ["foo:bar", "zoo:gar"]


Unzips keys to key and value with the given zipper.

Arr::unzip(['foo:bar', 'zoo:gar'], ':') // ["foo" => "bar", "zoo" => "gar"]


Wraps the string with given character(s).

Str::wrap('foo', ':') // ":foo:"
Str::wrap('bar', '<', '>') // "<bar>"
Str::wrap('!zoo', '!') // "!zoo!"


Wraps the string with given character(s).

(string) Str::of('foo')->upper()->wrap(':') // ":FOO:"
(string) Str::of('bar')->upper()->wrap('<', '>') // "<BAR>"
(string) Str::of('!zoo')->upper()->wrap('!') // "!ZOO!"


$dates = CarbonPeriod::between('yesterday', 'today')->collect();

$dates->first()->toDateTimeString() // "2022-06-14 00:00:00"

Extending the MacroServiceProvider

You can make your own pretty MacroServiceProviders by extending the MacroServiceProvider class provided by this package!

Here's an example:


namespace App\Providers;

use SirMathays\Convenience\Foundation\MacroServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

class MacroServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected static array $macros = [
        \Illuminate\Support\Collection::class => [
            'example' => \App\Macros\ExampleMacro::class

The macro class referenced in the example above would look something like:


namespace App\Macros;

class ExampleMacro
    public function __invoke(): \Closure
        return function () {
            // Something cool worth getting macroed happens here...
            return $this;


You can use make:macro <name> to generate a macro file to help you with the structure. The command supports --mixin option (example: --mixin=/Illuminate/Support/Collection). This will add a PHP docblock above the macro class declaration with @mixin tag.

The package also comes with macro:generate command. If you have a provider class setup that extends SirMathays\Convenience\Foundation\MacroServiceProvider class, the command will go through the macros defined in the provider and generate the ones that are missing. This way you can define multiple macros you know you will have and then generate them in bulk. It is very similar to Laravel's event:generate in its behavior.

For example:


namespace App\Providers;

use SirMathays\Convenience\Foundation\MacroServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

class MacroServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected static array $macros = [
        \Illuminate\Support\Collection::class => [
            'example' => \App\Macros\ExampleMacro::class

Assuming ExampleMacro doesn't exist yet, the command would then generate the macro class, automatically also filling in the @mixin tag.


Convenient Laravel Commands is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.