
A form buoilder for google maps and symfony

1.0 2015-09-01 13:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:19:02 UTC


Set latitude, longitude, street, postcode and city values on a form using Google Maps. The map allows you to search the place by a data that you have filled or by current location button. When a pin is placed or dragged on the map, the latitude longitude fields are updated.


This bundle is compatible with Symfony >= 2.1. Add the following to your composer.json:

    "sircamp/google-map-form-type-bundle": "dev-master"

Register the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php by adding this line in the bundles array:

    new Sircamp\GoogleMapFormTypeBundle\SircampGoogleMapFormTypeBundle(),

Remember to add the bundle on assetic field present in your configuration file ( config.yalm or others )

Add OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle to assetic

# app/config/config.yml
# Assetic Configuration
    bundles:        [ 'SircampGoogleMapFormTypeBundle' ]


This bundle contains a new FormType called GoogleMapType which can be used in your forms like so:

    $builder->add('address', 'sircamp_google_maps');

On your model you will have to process the latitude, longitude, street, city, postcode array

    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
    use Sircamp\GoogleMapFormTypeBundle\Validator\Constraints as OhAssert;

    class MyEntity
        // ... include your latitude,longitude,street,city,postacode fields here

    * @Assert\NotBlank()
    * @SircampAssert\Address()
    public function getAddress()
       return array('address' => array(
       'lat' => $this->latitude,
       'lng' => $this->longitude, 
       'street' => $this->street,
       'city' => $this->city, 

    public function setAddress($address)
       // die(var_dump($address,$address['address']['lat']));
       return $this;


Include the twig template on your config.yalm for the layout. 
    # your config.yml
                # This uses the default - you can put your own one here
                - 'SircampGoogleMapFormTypeBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'

If you are intending to override some of the elements in the template then you can do so by extending the default google_maps.html.twig. This example adds a callback to the javascript when a new map position is selected.


This librabry is based on the orignal made by

  • Ollie Harridge (ollietb)