
Extra fields for simple-crud package

v2.0.0 2019-08-24 23:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-25 11:33:29 UTC


Package with extra fields for simple-crud


This package is installable and autoloadable via Composer as simple-crud/extra-fields.

$ composer require simple-crud/extra-fields


Used to upload files into a directory and save the file name in the database. Detects instances of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface see here PSR-7 standard.

  • First, you must define the uploads path used by the database, using the attribute SimpleCrud::ATTR_UPLOADS
  • On register the field, the File format will be asigned to any field named "file" or ending by "File" (for example: imageFile, avatarFile, etc)
  • By default, the file is saved in a subdirectory named as [table]/[field]. For example, the images of the field avatar of the table user will be saved in the folder uploads/user/avatar.
  • The filename is slugified and converted to lowercase. For example, the file My Picture.JPG is renamed to my-picture.jpg.
use SimpleCrud\Fields\File;

//Register the field

//Configure the directory to upload the files
$simpleCrud->setConfig(File::CONFIG_UPLOADS_PATH, '/path/to/uploads');

//You can also configure the File field
	->setConfig('directory', '/path/to/uploads') //custom directory used instead the default File::DIRECTORY
	->setConfig('relative_directory', '/images') //custom subdirectory (by default is /{table_name}/{field_name})
	->setConfig('save_relative_directory', true) //whether save the relative_directory in the database instead only the filename (false by default)

//Get the data from the serverRequest
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
$files = $request->getUploadedFiles();

//Create the new user
$user = $simpleCrud->user->create([
    'name' => $data['name'],
    'email' => $data['email'],
    'file' => $files['avatar'],

//Save the data

//Get the avatar file
echo $user->file; // /user/avatar/image.jpg;


Used to save slugified values using cocur/slugify. On register the field, the Slug format will be asigned to any field named "slug"

use SimpleCrud\Fields\Slug;

//Register the field

//Create the new article
$title = 'Hello world'
$article = $simpleCrud->articles->create([
    'title' => $title,
    'slug' => $title,

//Save the data

//Get the slug
echo $user->article->slug // hello-world