
Database migration scripts for PHP

v2.0.1 2018-09-09 14:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 06:44:25 UTC


This is a php-script that helps you handling versions of your database in a format that works well with code versioning.

This is a fork of torandi/php_migrations with breaking changes.


  • update_database will exit with error codes on any error.
  • --check is renamed --dry-run.
  • Misc additional CLI options such as --config.
  • Uses getopt-php instead of custom argument parsing.

Configuration and setup

  1. composer require sidvind/php-migrations
  2. Create a directory in your project named migrations (or whatever)
  3. Symlink update_database.php and create_migration.php into the directory.
  4. Copy config-example.php to config.php and edit it to fit your project (see config-example.php for more info)


Use migrations/create_migration.php migration_name to create a new migration.

This creates a empty migration with a name like 20110821231945_migration_name.sql. The file name (including the date) is the version name, and must be unique.

You may also specify a second argument to create_migration to select file format (sql or php):

  • SQL: SQL to be run for the migration (multiple lines separated by ;)
  • PHP: PHP code to be executed, the environment you loaded in config.php is available, remember <?php and be verbose. Not run in global scope.

To then run the migrations execute migrations/update_database.php which runs all unrun migrations. The table schema_migrations are created (if not exist) containing all run migrations.


  • migration_sql(query): Print and run query
  • run_sql(query): Run query in silence

update_database.php usage

Usage: migrations/update_database.php [options] [<username>]

  -c, --config <arg>  Configuration file to use. Default: "config.php".
  -h, --help          Show this text.
  -n, --dry-run       Only checks if there are migrations to run, won't perform
                      any modifications.

Username may be optional, depending on your config.php