
php wrapper for pdftk commandline tool, and pdf form filler

1.0.0 2013-04-14 08:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 01:52:55 UTC


Slurpy is a PHP wrapper for the pdftk command-line tool for working with PDF. This library is largely inspired by Snappy from KnpLabs, a library for generating images or pdf from html. Some of the Slurpy code comes directly from Snappy.

In order to use Slurpy you will have to download pdftk for either Windows, Mac OSX or linux.

Build Status


If you are using composer add the following lines to your composer.json:

    "require" :  {
        "shuble/slurpy": "*"

And run these commands:

php composer.phar install

Now, just add the autoloader:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Or, if you are not using composer, require the provided autoload:


require 'path/to/slurpy/src/autoload.php';

Then proceed with the installation of pdftk if not already installed. Please refer to the pdftk website, and grab the installer or sources, depending on your system.

That's it, you're done.

Simple usage

Visit the pdftk documentation for more details about each operations.

Create the factory

Slurpy comes with a simple factory for dealing with pdftk operations in their simple forms. Each call to factory methods returns a Slurpy instance, then you just need to call the generate method on this Slurpy instance to process the operation.


// Create a new factory instance, give it your path to pdftk binary
$factory = new \Shuble\Slurpy\Factory('/path/to/pdftk');

$slurpy = $factory->generateFdf('path/to/input.pdf', 'path/to/output.fdf');


Catenate PDF files

The cat operation assembles pages from input PDFs to create a new PDF. Use cat to merge PDF pages or to split PDF pages from documents. You can also use it to rotate PDF pages. Page order in the new PDF is specified by the order of the inputs array.


use Shuble\Slurpy\Operation\OperationArgument\PageRange;

$inputs = array(
        'filepath'   => '/path/to/file3.pdf',
        'password'   => 'pa$$word',
        'start_page' => 1,
        'end_page'   => 'end',
        'qualifier'  => PageRange::QUALIFIER_ODD,
        'rotation'   => PageRange::ROTATION_EAST,

$output = '/path/to/output.pdf';

$slurpy = $factory->cat($inputs, $output);

Now, /path/to/ouput.pdf contains the 3 pdfs, with only odd pages rotated to east for the third pdf.

Shuffle PDF files

The shuffle operation collates pages from input PDFs to create a new PDF. Works like the cat operation except that it takes one page at a time from each page range to assemble the output PDF. If one range runs out of pages, it continues with the remaining ranges. This feature was designed to help collate PDF pages after scanning paper documents.


use Shuble\Slurpy\Operation\OperationArgument\PageRange;

$inputs = array(
        'filepath'   => '/path/to/file3.pdf',
        'password'   => 'pa$$word',
        'start_page' => 1,
        'end_page'   => 'end',
        'qualifier'  => PageRange::QUALIFIER_ODD,
        'rotation'   => PageRange::ROTATION_EAST,

$output = '/path/to/output.pdf';

// Creates a Slurpy instance
$slurpy = $factory->shuffle($inputs, $output);


The background operation Applies a PDF watermark to the background of a single input PDF. It uses only the first page from the background PDF and applies it to every page of the input PDF. This page is scaled and rotated as needed to fit the input page. If the input PDF does not have a transparent background (such as a PDF created from page scans) then the resulting background won’t be visible — use the stamp operation instead.

You can also pass a fourth parameter $multi if you want to use the multibackground operation.

multibackground is the same as the background operation, but applies each page of the background PDF to the corresponding page of the input PDF. If the input PDF has more pages than the stamp PDF, then the final stamp page is repeated across these remaining pages in the input PDF.


$input = '/path/to/input.pdf'; // or array('filepath' => '/path/to/input.pdf', 'password' => 'S3cr3t');
$background = '/path/to/background.pdf';
$output = '/path/to/output.pdf';
$multi = false // [Default], Or true for multibackground operation

// Creates a Slurpy instance
$slurpy = $factory->background($input, $background, $output, $multi);


The burst operation splits a single, input PDF document into individual pages. Naming for the resulting page is specified if a printf-style format string. i.e. if you give an ouput of page_%02d.pdf to Slurpy, resulting pages are going to be page_01.pdf, page_02.pdf and so on.

NOTE that you may have to give output as a complete path such as /path/to/pdfs/page_%04d.pdf


$input = '/path/to/input.pdf'; // or array('filepath' => '/path/to/input.pdf', 'password' => 'S3cr3t');
$output = '/path/to/folder/pg_%02d.pdf';

$slurpy = $factory->burst($input, $output);

Generate fdf

The generateFdf operation reads a single, input PDF file and generates an FDF file suitable for fillForm operation. It saves this FDF file using the output filename.


$input = '/path/to/input.pdf'; // or array('filepath' => '/path/to/input.pdf', 'password' => 'S3cr3t');
$output = '/path/to/folder/output.fdf';

$slurpy = $factory->generateFdf($input, $output);

Fill form

The fillForm operation fills a single input PDF form with the given fdf or xfdf data file. By default after filling the form, the ouput pdf fields remains active. You can disable the fields from the output pdf by giving true as a fourth argument which will flatten the resulting pdf.

NOTE That Slurpy will soon be able to fill forms with simple key/value pairs as data instead of fdf or xfdf files.


$input = '/path/to/input.pdf'; // or array('filepath' => '/path/to/input.pdf', 'password' => 'S3cr3t');
$data = '/path/to/data.fdf'; // or data.xfdf
$output = '/path/to/folder/output.fdf';

$slurpy = $factory->fillForm($input, $data, $output);

// Or to flatten the resulting pdf.
$slurpy = $factory->fillForm($input, $data, $output, true);

Unit tests

Run the following command:





Slurpy is released under the MIT license. See the provided LICENSE file for more details.