
The offical PHP client for the Shooju API.

1.3.1 2016-10-27 09:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 23:45:58 UTC


shooju is the official PHP client library for Shooju with the following features:

  • Authentication via username and api key
  • Getting series and fields


The recommended way to install Shooju is with Composer. Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP that allows you to declare the dependencies your project needs and installs them into your project. To install Composer:

curl -sS | php

You can add Shooju as a dependency using the composer.phar CLI:

php composer.phar require shooju/shooju

Alternatively, you can specify Shooju as a dependency in your project's existing composer.json file:

   "require": {
      "shooju/shooju": "1.*"

Basic Usage

// load composer libs
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// create Shooju Connection
$sj = new \Shooju\Connection($SERVER, $USER, $API_KEY);

// get an existing field, replace with series_id and field
echo $sj->get_field('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece','description')."\n";

// get all fields
echo $sj->get_fields('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece')['description']."\n";

// get some fields
echo print_r($sj->get_fields('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece', ['description','unit']))."\n";

// get a point
echo print_r($sj->get_point('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece', '2014-01-01'))."\n";

// get many points
echo print_r($sj->get_points('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece', '2014-01-01', '2018-01-01', 100))."\n";

// scroll, use for getting all results
echo print_r($sj->scroll('Greece', ["description"], 'MIN', 'MAX', 10))."\n";

// search, use for paginated field-only results
echo print_r($sj->search('Greece', ["fields"=>["description"], "page"=>1, "per_page"=>20]))."\n";

// raw api calls
echo print_r($sj->raw->get('status'))."\n";


Connecting to Shooju

The first step when working with shooju is to connect to Shooju using your username and API key (find it in the accounts section of The first parameter is the full shooju server url:

$sj = new \Shooju\Connection($SERVER, $USER, $API_KEY);

Shooju Series Representation

The basic data building block in Shooju is the series (i.e. time series), and each series is identified by a series id. A series id is a path-like string delimited by \ characters. The path helps keep data series organized into folder-like structures. By default, each user can write into the id space users\your_username\* . So if I'm Sam and I want to import my GDP forecasts, I might use the series id users\sam\china\gdp.

Getting Data

To get field values:

echo $sj->get_field('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece','description');

To get all of the fields for a given series_id as a array:

$fields_array = $sj->get_fields('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece');

To get some of the fields under given series_id:

$fields_array = $sj->get_fields('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece', array("description", "unit"));

To get a point for a given series_id and date (ISO-format, no timezone), use:

$point = $sj->get_point('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece', '2014-01-01');

To get many points for a given series_id between two dates (ISO-format, or 'MIN' / 'MAX'):

$points = $sj->get_point('BP\\carbon dioxide emissions\\Greece', '2014-01-01', 'MAX', 30);

To find series using a search query:

$series = $sj->search('query terms', ["fields"=>["description"], "page"=>1, "per_page"=>20]);

To get points and fields for series matching a search query:

$series = $sj->scroll('query terms', ['two','fields'], '2014-01-01', 'MAX', 30);

To use the raw API:

$res = $sj->raw->get('status'); //raw-> also supports post and delete