
Foxess Cloud API access

v0.2.3 2024-03-05 15:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-05 16:26:08 UTC


Implementation of PHP classes to access FoxEss Cloud data via FoxEss Open API. The official Open API documentation also mentions some restrictions every user should be aware of.

As of today the provided classes are restricted to single inverter installations. The simple reasons for this are that this configuration meets my personal requirements and I would not be able to test for environments with multiple inverters.

Please be aware that this is the result of a hobby project, that I developed in my spare time. I am a professional software developer (C/C++, Databases, ABAP OO), but this is my first bigger project using PHP. I am also not very experienced in Web development and using github. I would really appreciate any helpful hints and tipps regarding dos and don'ts and/or best practice.


composer require shob01/foxess

Quick start

Copy the file .env.example to .env in your document root directory and fill in your FoxEss configuration data.

# Goto to see your inverters SN
# Goto and generate your personal API key

Start the PHP internal web server in your document root directory:

php -S

Open this URL in your browser: http://localhost:8000/vendor/shob01/foxess/examples/Test.php

Usage example

This little example shows how to read production report data for current month, today and current hour. Additionally, todays min, max, current and trend value for SoC (State of charge), Inverter and Battery Temperation will be obtained as well.

You can find this DashboardData.php and some more example codes in the examples directory. There is also a respecting HTML file for each example code, showing the execution output.

try {
    $startTime = new DateTime();

    $foxess = new CloudApi();

    $reportVars = [

    $now = new DateTime("now", $foxess->getTZ());
    // Get production report for current month
    $monthlyReport = new ResultDataTable($foxess->getReport("year", $reportVars, $now));
    $currentMonthData = ['date' => $now->format('Y-m')] +
        $monthlyReport->column($now->format('m') - 1);

    // Get production report for today
    $dailyReport = new ResultDataTable($foxess->getReport("month", $reportVars, $now));
    $todaysData = ['date' => $now->format('Y-m-d')] +
        $dailyReport->column($now->format('d') - 1);

    // Get production report for current hour
    $hourlyReport = new ResultDataTable($foxess->getReport("day", $reportVars, $now));
    $hourData = ['date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H')] +
        $hourlyReport->column($now->format('H') - 0);

    $rawVars = [
    // Get latest raw (real) data
    $latestRaw = new ResultDataTable($foxess->getRaw($rawVars, 'now - 10 minutes'));
    $latestData = $latestRaw->column(-1);
    if (!empty($latestData)) {
        $time = $latestData['time'];
        $latestData['time'] = $time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

    // Read SoC (State of charge) Inverter and Battery Temperation data from today
    $rawVars = ['SoC', 'invTemperation','batTemperature'];
    $todayData = new ResultDataTable($foxess->getRaw($rawVars,'today'));
    // Calculate min, max, current and trend values for todays data
    $minMax = $todayData->getMinMax();
    $dashboardData = [
        'month' => $currentMonthData,
        'today' => $todaysData,
        'hour' => $hourData,
        'latest' => $latestData,
        'minMax' => $minMax
    $endTime = new DateTime();
    $duration = $startTime->diff($endTime);

    outputJson('DashboardData', $dashboardData);

    echo 'Time used: ' . $duration->format('%s.%f') . ' seconds' . PHP_EOL;
} catch (Exception $fe) {
    echo "Exception occured: " . $fe->getMessage() . "<br>";


    "month": {
        "date": "2024-02",
        "index": "2",
        "gridConsumption": 198.7,
        "loads": 230.8,
        "feedin": 15,
        "generation": 103.5,
        "chargeEnergyToTal": 50.5,
        "dischargeEnergyToTal": 68.4
    "today": {
        "date": "2024-02-27",
        "index": "27",
        "gridConsumption": 3,
        "loads": 2.1,
        "feedin": 0.1,
        "generation": 0.3,
        "chargeEnergyToTal": 0,
        "dischargeEnergyToTal": 0.2
    "hour": {
        "date": "2024-02-27 09",
        "index": "10",
        "gridConsumption": 0.2,
        "loads": 0.4,
        "feedin": 0,
        "generation": 0.2,
        "chargeEnergyToTal": 0,
        "dischargeEnergyToTal": 0.1
    "latest": {
        "time": "2024-02-27 09:57:36",
        "gridConsumptionPower": 1.108,
        "loadsPower": 1.443,
        "invBatPower": 0,
        "pv1Power": 0.219,
        "pv2Power": 0.226,
        "pvPower": 0.445,
        "generationPower": 0.335,
        "feedinPower": 0,
        "SoC": 10
    "minMax": {
        "SoC": {
            "unit": "%",
            "min": {
                "value": 10,
                "time": "2024-02-27 01:15:21"
            "max": {
                "value": 11,
                "time": "2024-02-27 09:48:36"
            "current": 10,
            "trend": 0
        "invTemperation": {
            "unit": "\u2103",
            "min": {
                "value": 30,
                "time": "2024-02-27 05:00:28"
            "max": {
                "value": 34,
                "time": "2024-02-27 09:57:36"
            "current": 34,
            "trend": 1
        "batTemperature": {
            "unit": "\u2103",
            "min": {
                "value": 26.6,
                "time": "2024-02-27 07:20:01"
            "max": {
                "value": 26.9,
                "time": "2024-02-27 02:54:24"
            "current": 26.6,
            "trend": -1
Time used: 8.49056 seconds

Configuration / Dependency Injection Container

There are serveral options to configure how things are done. I implemented a very simple DI Container that is used to control configurable dependencies. The DI Container is setup in the PHP code dependencies.php

$container = DIContainer::getInstance();

//$container->set(Config::class,fn() => new ConfigFile(__DIR__ . "/../../foxess_config.json"));
$container->set(Config::class,fn() => new ConfigDotEnv());
$container->set(IRequester::class,fn() => new GuzzleHttpRequester());
$container->set('TZ',fn() => new DateTimeZone("Europe/Berlin"));
  • Config::class defines where the FoxEss configuration data is coming from. There are already two ready implemented classes available:

    • ConfigDotEnv: (default) reads the data from a .env file and makes the entries available as local environment variables.
    • ConfigFile: reads the data from a json file.

  • IRequester::class defines Request and Response handling. I am using GuzzleHttp, but this can be replaced by anything that is implementing \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface. Just implement your own version of IRequester interface.

  • TZ defines the timezone that is used for requesting data and also in some output features like HtmlTableDataFormatter and ResultDataTableclass. See W3 schools PHP Supported Timezones for details.