
Mailjet Transporter for Mautic

0.0.1 2023-09-21 12:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 05:37:08 UTC


  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Author


This plugin enable Mautic 5 to run Mailjet as a email transport.


  1. Get the plugin using composer require shinde-rahul/plugin-mailjet
  2. Install it using php bin\console mautic:plugins:reload.
  3. The plugin will start listing on plugin page. Plugins Page


Be sure to use the mautic+mailjet+smtp as Data Source Name, or DSN. The following is the example for the DSN. 'mailer_dsn' => 'mautic+mailjet+smtp://<apiKey>:<secretKey>@default:465',

Follow the steps tp setup Mailjet SMTP DSN,

  1. Navigate to Configuration (/s/config/edit>)
  2. Scroll to Email Settings
  3. Update the following fields leaving rest default or empty,
Field Value
Scheme mautic+mailjet+smtp
Host default
Port 465
User <apiKey>
Password <secretKey>

The <apiKey> and <secretKey> will be used for authentication purposes. Please visit the Mailjet Guide

On the Configuration page Email DSN should look like Email DSN


👤 Rahul Shinde