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A simple php library to parse the Apple IPA's plist

1 2016-10-12 20:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 06:06:27 UTC


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A simple php library to parse the Apple IPA's plist

#Installation Add this library at your composer.json

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.3",
        "sharksoft/sharkipaparser": "master"


composer install

#Use (for details see test.php)

require_once 'class/SharkIpaParser.php';
$shark = new SharkIpaParser\SharkIpaParserHelper();
$array_plist = $shark->read_plist();

The result of $array_plist is something similar:

array (size=34)
  'UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => string 'armv7' (length=5)
  'UIRequiresFullScreen' => boolean true
  'CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion' => string '6.0' (length=3)
  'UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad' => 
    array (size=2)
      0 => string 'UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft' (length=35)
      1 => string 'UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight' (length=36)
  'DTPlatformVersion' => string '10.0' (length=4)
  'DTCompiler' => string '' (length=34)
  'DTSDKName' => string 'iphoneos10.0' (length=12)
  'CFBundleName' => string 'AppName' (length=9)
  'UIMainStoryboardFile~ipad' => string 'MainiPad' (length=8)
  'CFBundleIcons' => 
    array (size=1)
      'CFBundlePrimaryIcon' => 
        array (size=1)
          'CFBundleIconFiles' => 
            array (size=3)
  'LSRequiresIPhoneOS' => boolean true
  'DTSDKBuild' => string '14A345' (length=6)
  'CFBundleShortVersionString' => string '0.5' (length=3)
  'CFBundleSupportedPlatforms' => 

The structure is key => value, for example you can access at CFBundleName in this way:

echo $array_plist['CFBundleName'];
Output: "AppName"

#enjoy ;)


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