
Telegram helper

0.1.0 2017-07-27 11:03 UTC


Total Downloads License StyleCI

It's a way to use the telegram's response as Object instead of Array


From your project directory, run

composer require shakibonline/moon-telegram


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

 * @var array $update
$message = new \Shakibonline\Message($update);

echo $message->Text() . PHP_EOL;
echo $message->Chat()->ID() . PHP_EOL;
echo $message->Chat()->Type() . PHP_EOL;

Check The type

 * @var array $update
$type = MoonTelegram::Type($update);

if ( $type === MoonTelegram::MESSAGE ) {
	$message = new Message($update);
	$chat = $message->Chat();
} elseif ( $type === MoonTelegram::CALLBACK_QUERY ) {
	$callback = new CallbackQuery($update);
	$chat = $callback->Message()->Chat();

See Examples folder

Contact me

You can contact me via Telegram (EN and FA) but if you have an issue please open one.

Pull Request

Your welcome to any pull requests.