
A provider for FakerPHP/Faker to generate Avatar Based on DiceBear

dev-master 2022-02-24 07:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 13:52:18 UTC


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FakerPHP Avatar

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FakerPHP Avatar is an addon package for Faker to generate fake avatars based on DiceBear. It Supports all 22 styles of DiceBear.

Getting Started


FakerPHP Avatar requires Faker >= 1.0.

composer require sh-sabbir/faker-php-avatar


Full documentation can be found over on

Basic Usage

Add Provider

$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$faker->addProvider(new Sabbir\Faker\AvatarProvider($faker));

Default settings

$faker->avatarUrl($style = "adventurer", $size = null, $slug = null, $bg = null, $scale = null, $flip = null);

Generate Avatar URL

$url = $faker->avatarUrl();  

$url = $faker->avatarUrl('male');  

$url = $faker->avatarUrl('male',100);  

$url = $faker->avatarUrl('male',100,'my-custom-slug');  

$url = $faker->avatarUrl('male',100,'my-custom-slug','#cfcfcf');  

$url = $faker->avatarUrl('male',100,'my-custom-slug','#cfcfcf',100);  

$url = $faker->avatarUrl('male',100,'my-custom-slug','#cfcfcf',100,1);  

Check documentation for more complex example.

Available Styles

Style Name Option Value
Adventurer adventurer (Default)
Adventurer Neutral adventurer-neutral
Avataaars avataaars
Big Ears big-ears
Big Ears Neutral big-ears-neutral
Big Smile big-smile
Bottts bottts
Croodles croodles
Croodles Neutral croodles-neutral
Gridy gridy
Human human
Identicon identicon
Initials initials
Jdenticon jdenticon
Male male
Female female
Micah micah
Miniavs miniavs
Open Peeps open-peeps
Personas personas
Pixel Art pixel-art
Pixel Art Neutral pixel-art-neutral

All Settings and Default Values

Parameter Type Default Available
$style String adventurer Check here
$size integer null integer without and extension. For example 150px write 150
$slug string null It will be the filename. If you define this you will get specific imgaes everytime. write it like this my-avatar-image. Don't include any file extension
$bg string hex colorcode null Background Color. Accepts all kind of valid Hex Color Code
$scale integer null 0 to higest integer you can imagine but I suggest you not to imagine sky high 😉
$flip boolean null It accepts 0 or 1 where 0 is false & 1 is true


Faker is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.