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Kohana module to integrate with Doctrine ORM migrations

dev-master 2015-06-10 11:20 UTC


Doctrine Migrations module for Kohana 3.3


Require kohana-doctrine installed.

Copy doctrine.php and migrations.xml to application/config.

php vendor/kohana/modules/doctrine/bin/doctrine migrations:diff --configuration=application/config/migrations.xml
php vendor/kohana/modules/doctrine/bin/doctrine migrations:status --configuration=application/config/migrations.xml


This module allows for managing database migrations between multiple environments easily by utilizing the Doctrine migrations library.

Requirements & Installation

The Doctrine Migrations module is tested with Doctrine v2.4. You should create a doctrine config file and specify vendor path in your config/doctrine.php file under configuration key

To run from the command line, you will need kohana-doctrine module available at Remember to add this module after kohana-doctrine in the bootstrap.php After that you will be able to run ./modules/kohana-doctrine/bin/doctrine or copy it to your application root

Additional information about how to create migration classes can be found at