
1.0.1 2022-09-26 09:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 15:17:37 UTC


How the content type looks
Inspired by this pull request.

What is this bundle's goal?

To create a new content type adresse which is a single text input with autocomplete. It only searches through french addresses since it uses the data gouv API.
The map installed in this bundle comes from React Leaflet JS.


  1. Download the package in your project with the following command line:
    composer require sevengroupfrance/sulu-fr-gouv-map-bundle.
  2. In config/bundles.php add the following code:
    SevenGroupFrance\SuluFrGouvMapBundle\SuluFrGouvMapBundle::class => ['all' => true].
  3. In assets/admin/package.json, add the following line in the "dependencies" object:
    "sulu-fr-gouv-map-bundle": "file:node_modules/@sulu/vendor/sevengroupfrance/sulu-fr-gouv-map-bundle/src/Resources/js".
  4. In assets/admin, npm install to initialize the bundle's symlink directory.
  5. In the same folder, npm i react react-dom leaflet and then npm i react-leaflet.
  6. In assets/admin/index.js, add this line:
    import 'sulu-fr-gouv-map-bundle'.
  7. In assets/admin, npm run watch or npm run build

Use in your template files

Once installed you'll have to create a new property with the type adresse

<property name="address" type="adresse">
    <title lang="en">address field (with autocomplete)</title>