
Parses the exports of countries from Geonames and exports the data in machine readable formats.

0.3.0 2022-01-08 12:06 UTC


Serendipity HQ Geo Builder

Parses the exports of countries from Geonames and exports the data in machine readable formats.
It downloads information of countries from [Geonames exports](
Ready to be integrated in Symfony apps.


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  • Download the exports of countries
  • Build you custom lists of countries to use in your app

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Installation and Configuration

Install Component GeoBuilder via Composer

composer req serendipity_hq/component-geo-builder

This library follows the versioning conventions.

However, until the version 1, the minor release is treated like a major one.

So it is possible a break in the public API between minor versions (0.1 > 0.2 > 0.3).).

The component is anyway stable and can be used in production, also if it is not very flexible.

See the issues to know more about what we have in mind to implement.

Register the command in a Symfony application

Open the file config/services.yaml and add the class of the geobuilder command:

# config/services.yaml

        $dumpDir: '%kernel.cache_dir%/geobuilder'

    # You also need to autowire the Guzzle CLient if you don't already have one
    GuzzleHttp\Client: ~

Building the list you need

To build the list you need, simply launch the command geobuilder:build appending the countries you want to build lists for:

$ bin/console geobuilder:build it de

By default the command uses the Hierarchy reader and will create a lot of json files in the kernel.cache_dir/geobuilder folder of your Symfony App.

You can read more about readers, saving folders and more reading the full documentation.

For the moment, let's continue putting GeoBuilder at work.

The next step is to create a form with the data we have just built.

Creating the form

To use the form types, you need to register them as services, so they can be properly initialized by Symfony.

To register them, open the file config/services.yaml and add the HierarchyJsonType:

# config/services.yaml

        $dataFolderPath: '%kernel.cache_dir%/geobuilder'
    SerendipityHQ\Component\GeoBuilder\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\HierarchyJsonType: ~

Then in your form you can add the HierarchyJsonType:

class UserZoneType extends AbstractType
     * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
     * @param array<string,mixed>  $options
     * @suppress PhanUnusedPublicMethodParameter
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
        $builder->add('geobuilder', HierarchyJsonType::class, ['country' => 'it']);

About the countries.json file

This file will contain only the countries you built with the bin/console geobuilder:build command.

You can get a complete list of localized countries using the Countries::getNames() method of the symfony/intl component.

But the Symfony component will return all countries in the world, also if you didn't built them.

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composer global require symfony/thanks && composer thanks
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